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国内外收藏家蜂拥艺博会 2005年11月4日的浙江世贸中心,熙熙攘攘的人群中几乎有一半是年轻人。“具体成交金额没法统计,但今年比去年火多了。”西湖艺术博览会组委会秘书长汪骥满面春风,“像陈凯良的《马》,去年5天卖了15张,今年半天就卖了18张,还有许多人比较陌生的意大利油画,这次已经卖了20多张。” Collectors at home and abroad flock Art Fair Zhejiang World Trade Center on November 4, 2005, almost half of the bustling crowd of young people. “The specific turnover can not be counted, but this year more fire than last year.” West Lake Art Fair Organizing Committee Wang Ji blushed, “like Chen Keliang’s” horse "sold 15 last year, five days this year sold 18, there are many more unfamiliar Italian oil painting, this has sold more than 20 sheets.