
来源 :治黄科技信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guobaoling1
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千年为害的万里黄河,经过多年治理,正在变成造福人民的利河。80年代以来,亿万黄河儿女又从经验治黄大步跨入科技治黄新时期,微波通讯、计算机、卫星遥感遥测等高新科技,广泛运用于治黄事业,在黄河的总体治理开发中显示出重要作用。承担着黄河治理开发重任的黄河水利委员会已开始采用国内、国际先进科学技术和设备治理开发黄河。为保 After thousands of years of hardship, the Yellow River, after years of governance, is becoming a river of benefit for the benefit of the people. Since the 1980s, hundreds of millions of children of the Yellow River have also entered the new era of science and technology from the experience of governance and the Yellow River. They are widely used in the governance of the Yellow River and in the overall development and management of the Yellow River Out of an important role. The Yellow River Conservancy Commission, which undertakes the important task of harnessing and harnessing the Yellow River, has started to harness the domestic and international advanced science and technology and equipment to harness and develop the Yellow River. To protect
Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effects and mechanisms of using artemisinin(Art) combined with glucocorticoid(GC) to treat lupus nephritis(LN) mice.Met
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Background: The rate in which heart rate recovers from exercise has recently been shown to be a strong predictor of mortality in patients suspected of having co
山东南山职业技术学院是经山东省政府部门批准、由南山集团投资兴办的全日制普通高等院校。现有教职工886人,在校生12 000人。学院先后被授予全国职业教育先进单位、山东省