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一、协商民主理论(一)西方协商民主的涵义20世纪80年代前后,国外理论界开始对协商民主进行研究。1980年,美国著名学者约瑟夫·毕塞特在其著作《协商民主:共和政府的多数原则》一文中首次提出了协商民主的概念。以此为起点,西方理论界开启了对协商民主的研究。综合理论界学者的研究,西方协商民主可以归纳为:公民通过平等、自由、公开地参与公共决策和公共生活,通过寻找理性的辩论来使别人信服,从而保证协商民主的健康发展。(二)中国协商民主的研究国内对协商民主的理论研究起源于21世纪初期。2003年,俞可平在《当代西方政治理论热点 I. The Theory of Deliberative Democracy A. The Meaning of Western Deliberative Democratization Around the 1980s, foreign theoretical circles began to study consultative democracy. In 1980, the famous American scholar Josef Setitt put forward the concept of deliberative democracy for the first time in his book “Deliberative Democracy: The Majority Principle of a Republican Government.” Using this as a starting point, the Western theoretical community has started the study of deliberative democracy. According to the study of scholars in the theory circle, Western consultative democracy can be summed up as follows: Citizens participate in public decision-making and public life through equality, freedom and public participation, convince others through searching for rational debates so as to ensure the healthy development of consultative democracy. (II) Research on China’s Consultative Democracy The theoretical research on consultative democracy in China originated in the early 21st century. In 2003, Yu Keping "in contemporary Western political theory hot spots
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