
来源 :汽车电器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengwq1969
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皮带轮式永磁交流电机无电压调节装置,在最低、额定及最高工作转速时,其电压值应满足ZBT68004—90的要求。此文从永磁交流发电机的基本电磁关系出发,导出满足其电压要求时应具有的空载电势和同步电抗数值,并就每相串联匝数的确定及如何达到所需电抗值进行了探讨。最后通过试验对所得结论进行了初步验证。Permanent magnetic pulley alternator has no voltage regulating unit. Its voltage value should meet the requirments of ZBT 68004--90 at the minimum, nominal or maximum speed. According to the basic electromagnetic ralations of the permanent magnetic alternator, this article leads out the values of no-load potential and synchronism reactance necessary for meeting the voltage requirment. It also explores the determination of each phase serial number and attainment of the necessary reactance. At last,the conclusion resulted from the trial has been tested and verified primarily. Pulley permanent magnet AC motor voltage regulator device, at the minimum, rated and maximum operating speed, the voltage value should meet the requirements of ZBT68004-90. Based on the basic electromagnetic relationship of permanent magnet alternator, this paper derives the no-load potential and synchronous reactance value that meet the voltage requirement, and discusses the determination of the number of turns in each series and how to reach the required reactance . At last, the conclusion is verified through experiments. Permanent magnetic pulley alternator has no voltage regulating unit. Its voltage value should meet the requirments of ZBT 68004--90 at the minimum, nominal or maximum speed. According to the basic electromagnetic ralations of the permanent magnetic alternator, this article leads out the values of no-load potential and synchronism reactance necessary for meeting the voltage requirment. It also explores the determination of each phase serial number and attainment of the necessary reactance. At last, the conclusion resulted from the trial has been tested and verified primarily.
中国木偶戏历史悠久,世人普遍认为其源于汉,兴于唐。汉代已有作魁儡的记载;三国时已有用偶人进行杂技表演的记录;隋代开始用偶人表演故事;北齐时出现了傀儡子演郭秃故事的木偶艺术,这暗示了中国已正式形成了木偶戏;隋朝“机关木人”多扮演神话、传说、三国故事等人物,这些对木偶戏的制作与表演有直接影响;唐朝时出现了 “提线”“杖头”“布袋”“盘铃傀儡”等木偶类型;元、明、清以来形成了多种风格流派的木偶艺术,如福
福建中部闽清池园—上莲一带晚侏罗世南园组火山岩地层之下覆盖着一套沉积 -火山岩 ,原划归晚侏罗世长林组 ,通过对该地区 1∶ 50 0 0 0区调 ,依岩性组合特征、同位素地质年
在汽车门打开若干秒后或汽车门未关好时,汽车门控报警器会连续发出“请关门”的话音,提醒司机关门防盗及预防事故发生。 该装置的电路原理如附图所示。它的核心是一块语音集