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“和而不同”是孔子提出的一个哲学命题。他在《论语·子路》中这样说:“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。”意思是说,君子追求和谐一体但能容纳不同观点,小人强求步调一致而排斥任何不同意见。“和”有融合、调和、和谐等含义,“同”是相同、一致、同一等意思,两词的现代词义相近,但在中国传统哲学里它们的涵义完全不同。孔子之前,西周末至春秋有过两次“和同”之辨,基本厘清了“和”与“同” “Harmony and difference” is a philosophical proposition proposed by Confucius. He said in The Analects of Confucius: “The gentleman is different, and the villain is different.” Means that the gentleman pursues harmony as one but can accommodate different viewpoints. The villain insists on unanimity and rejects any difference. opinion. “” and “” have the meanings of merging, reconciliation, and harmony, and “the same” is the same, identical, identical, etc. The two words have similar modern meanings, but their meanings in Chinese traditional philosophy are completely different. Before Confucius, there were two “identical and” differences between the Western Weekend and the Spring and Autumn Period, which basically clarified “and ” and "
【案情】2004年6月至2005年6月间,被告邓某多次到原告陈某经营的饲料店赊购饲料。其间,被告也支付了部分货款,其余货款原告多 [Case] ​​June 2004 to June 2005, the defe
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