昔日面朝黄土背朝天的鄄城农民,如今已不再满足于从报刊电话上获取信息了。他们已把目光转向因特网这个“第四媒体”了。他们或把供求信息推上因特网,或把乡镇企业产品在网上一展风采。用他们的话说叫“网上兜风”。 靠改革开放政策富起来的鄄城人,很重视信息投资。彭楼乡郭对旧村郭良杰是个“灵芝大王”。他每年自费订阅20多种报刊杂志,并且装上了电话。前年他又上了网,他在网上的年销售额要达10多
Juancheng peasants, formerly facing the back of the loess, are no longer satisfied with obtaining information from newspapers and magazines. They have turned their attention to the “fourth media” of the Internet. They may put the supply and demand information on the Internet, or display the products of township and village enterprises online. In their words, “online joyriders.” Juan people rely on the policy of reform and opening up, attaches great importance to information investment. Peng Lou Xianguo Guo Liang Jie old village is a “Ganoderma lucidum.” He subscribes to more than 20 newspapers and magazines each year at his own expense, and installs the telephone. The year before last year, he went online, and he had an annual sales of more than 10 online