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省发展计划委员会上报的《四川省“十五”电力规划调整意见》已经省委常委八届第49次会议审定同意,现印发你们,请认真贯彻实施。水电产业是我省重点培育和发展的六大支柱产业之一,必须坚持加快电力发展不动摇,尽快把我省建设成为全国水电能源基地,解决困扰经济发展的能源瓶颈问题。在实施电力规划与建设过程中,一要统一规划,分步实施,合理布局,综合利用,避免资源浪费。二要有序建设,统一协调,防止项目一哄而上,无序竞争。三要加强建设规划和项目管理,通过市场机制作用,充分发挥电力资源的最佳效益。四要深化电力体制改革和投融资体制改革,实行电源、电网建设并重,对大型项目采取相对控股、互相参股等方式,实现投资主体多元化,鼓励有实力的大型企业参与我省电力投资和建设。 The Sichuan Province’s “Tenth Five-Year Plan” Power Opinion Adjustment Opinions submitted by the Provincial Development Planning Committee has been approved by the Provincial Party Standing Committee at the 49th meeting of the Eighth Session of the Standing Committee of the CPC. It is hereby issued and issued by you. Please carefully implement it. The hydropower industry is one of the six pillar industries that our province has focused on cultivating and developing. We must persist in accelerating the development of electric power and build our province into a nationwide hydropower energy base as soon as possible to solve the energy bottlenecks that plague economic development. In the implementation of the power planning and construction process, it is necessary to unify planning, step-by-step implementation, rational layout, and comprehensive utilization to avoid waste of resources. Second, orderly construction should be carried out, and coordination should be made to prevent the project from going head-to-head and disorderly competition. Third, we must strengthen the construction planning and project management, through the role of the market mechanism, give full play to the best benefits of power resources. Fourth, we must deepen the reform of the power system and reform of the investment and financing system, implement equal emphasis on power supply and power grid construction, adopt relative control over large-scale projects, and adopt mutual shareholding methods to achieve diversification of investment entities and encourage large and powerful enterprises to participate in the province’s electricity investment and construction. .
起风了,山口上落满一地槐花  起风了。山口上,落满  一地槐花。白白的  打断。一棵榆树与  另一棵榆树的对话  或者叫。心  与心的交流  这时,我在想  榆树,是怎样看待这场风的  它,轻轻地  从山口上。捡起  一瓣一瓣落地的槐花  还有土腥味  内心由黑变白  这场风。很生  很灰。硬硬的  打断了,山口下一些人  细致而漫长的  对话。甚至  唯一,他们的张望  风。吹散这些对话  吹散
<正> 河南省平顶山市湛河区曹镇乡刘庄村青年农民王明安,从外地学会玻璃工艺技术后,回村向村民传授技术,带领大家共同致富。如今,刘庄村已有20多户村民从事玻璃工艺品加工,年
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