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以前知道北京较有名气的“铜牛”牌高级内衣,去了趟市第一针织厂,才知道是这家工厂生产的。由此想到市场上的国货,许多名称是与生产厂家不一致的,即使很受欢迎的名牌产品,却也让顾客难以知道它的“出生地”。当然,这个问题上是带有很深的计划经济痕迹的。几十年中,我们的各类产品都靠国家计划,至于是哪个厂家生产的无关紧要,反正都是国家的。随着市场经济体制的建立,企业形象再不是可有可无的事了。所以近两年,一些老店、老字号和正在创名牌的企业,开始注意自己的企业形象设计了,包括产品名称、标记、颜色、企业名称、企业精神、口号等,都力求统一协调,鲜明,易记。如“王致和腐乳厂”、“天坛家具公哥”等,这是一种明智之举。这种企业形象设计,就是国际上流行的CI战略。 CI战略起源于美国,称为企业的一体化体系,或叫企业的识别系统,其定义是:将企业经营管理与精神文化,运用整体传达系统(特别是视觉传达设计),传达给企业内部和社会大众。 CI的构成原素由三方面组成:整体视觉识别、经营理念识别和经营活动识别。这种战略的出现是基于这样一种观念:企业形象是潜在的销售金额,形象良好的企业,容易获得消费者的好感与信赖;同时,企业内部一体化价值观和认同感能使企业产生巨大的凝聚力 Previously known as the “Congniu” premium underwear in Beijing, he went to Handan City’s No.1 Knitting Factory and learned that it was made in this factory. Think of the domestic products on the market, many names are inconsistent with the manufacturer, even if the popular brand-name products, but also make it difficult for customers to know its “birthplace”. Of course, this issue is accompanied by deep traces of planned economy. In the past few decades, all our products have depended on national plans, and it is irrelevant which manufacturers produce them. All of them are national. With the establishment of a market economy system, corporate image is no longer optional. Therefore, in the past two years, some old stores, time-honored brands, and companies that are creating brand names have begun to pay attention to their own corporate image designs, including product names, marks, colors, corporate names, entrepreneurial spirit, and slogans, all of which strive to achieve unified coordination. Easy to remember. Such as “Wang Zhi and Sufu Factory”, “Tiantan Furniture Men”, etc., this is a wise move. This corporate image design is an internationally popular CI strategy. The CI strategy originated in the United States. It is called the enterprise’s integrated system, or the enterprise’s identification system. Its definition is: to convey enterprise management and spiritual culture, and to use the overall communication system (especially visual communication design) to communicate to the enterprise and Community. The constituent elements of CI consist of three aspects: overall visual identity, business concept recognition, and business activity identification. The emergence of such a strategy is based on the idea that a corporate image is a potential sales value, a well-imaged enterprise is easy to obtain the goodwill and trust of consumers; at the same time, the value and identity of the company’s internal integration can make the enterprise produce a huge Cohesion
起风了,山口上落满一地槐花  起风了。山口上,落满  一地槐花。白白的  打断。一棵榆树与  另一棵榆树的对话  或者叫。心  与心的交流  这时,我在想  榆树,是怎样看待这场风的  它,轻轻地  从山口上。捡起  一瓣一瓣落地的槐花  还有土腥味  内心由黑变白  这场风。很生  很灰。硬硬的  打断了,山口下一些人  细致而漫长的  对话。甚至  唯一,他们的张望  风。吹散这些对话  吹散
<正> 河南省平顶山市湛河区曹镇乡刘庄村青年农民王明安,从外地学会玻璃工艺技术后,回村向村民传授技术,带领大家共同致富。如今,刘庄村已有20多户村民从事玻璃工艺品加工,年