
来源 :文学少年(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yqhbyctu
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  The scarecrow stood in the rice paddy, motionless all day and every day since he arrived. This caused quite a stir among the sparrows; the guy seemed to come from nowhere. He looks like a bunch of straw!
  The scarecrow murmured to himself, “Beautiful! The rice field is beautiful!”
  The scarecrow hoped the sparrows could hear him and stay away from the paddy. But the sparrows did not hear him. When the autumn wind blew over the paddy field, the scarecrow waved his hands and drove away the sparrows pecking the ears of rice.
  The scarecrow said, “When the birds are in the sky, the sky is beautiful and so are the birds; when the birds are in the paddy field pecking rice, they are not beautiful.”
  One day, he watched his owner working in the paddy field and said, “My owner loves this rice field and so do I.”
  A poplar tree grows beside the paddy field. A crow was a constant visitor. The crow knew clearly that the poplar tree was not a good place to build a nest on; what attracted him was the smoke from the kitchen chimney. A plume of smoke rose from the chimney of the tile-roofed house. The crow had been resting on the poplar tree and now he was obsessed with the sight. The smoke dispersed as it was rising, and when it disappeared into the sky, the sky was bluer. The crow then flew high up in the sky to follow the smoke. He flew up, landed, then flew up again. The smoke was not there; it was a fruitless pursuit. But the crow was infatuated with this and he did it repeatedly.
  The scarecrow did not mind the poplar tree; nor did he care about the crow who was fooling around. In his eyes there was only the paddy.   For the hundred and first time, he drove away the sparrows who tried to come near the rice field.
  “I am the owner of the paddy field...” said the scarecrow, reminding himself of the responsibility.
  “No, you are not!” the crow said in a loud hoarse voice, “The old man in the rice field is!”
  The crow was on the branch very early. He was waiting for the smoke at dinner time. Today, he wanted to make his existence clear to the scarecrow. Otherwise, who would want to talk to that arrogant straw-man? Strangely, unlike other birds, the crow can hear and understand what the scarecrow thinks and says.
  “This is how it is...the old man is my owner; and I am the owner of the rice paddy.” The scarecrow looked straight at the rice field. In fact, he had already noticed this bird, black-feathered and silly-looking, not beautiful at all.
  “You have seen it yourself - he, in the fierce sunshine, diverts the water, transplants the rice seedlings. He has created the rice field - he is the owner.” said the crow in his straight forward way.
  The scarecrow was silent now. Unlike the crow, he was not good at making a speech. The sun set; the owner left the field and made his way towards his tile-roofed house.
  The scarecrow spoke up, “The rice field has two owners; he is the owner for daytime; and I am the owner for night time.”
  The owner had gone into his house, and the smoke rose from the chimney. This fascinated the crow and he did not pay attention to what the scarecrow was saying.
  The scarecrow asked, “I am the owner for the night now. Do you believe it? Why aren’t you answering?”
  “Shhh...” said the crow, “Look at the smoke - it is beautiful.”
  “The field is more beautiful!”
  For quite a while the crow did not say a word. Then he said, “The blue sky is beautiful. You admit it, don’t you? ”
  “Right, but how can it be compared with the rice field? It is the golden field that invites people to sit under the sky for a long time. The blue sky would be dull without the golden paddy field.”
  乌鸦有点得意:“很好。那么,我说大地握着烟囱,用炊烟画出了蓝天。”   稻草人說:“真是这样的话,我承认炊烟也很美。可是,‘炊烟画出了蓝天’只是一个想象。我不相信想象出来的东西。”
  The crow then said, “You have admitted the sky is beautiful. Now I say the chimney is like an artist's pencil, do you agree? I doubt that you will.”
  Without thinking, the scarecrow said, “The chimney is like a pencil. I admit it. So what?”
  The crow was pleased with himself and said, “Very well. Now, I want to say the earth holds a Chimney Pencil and draws a painting with plumes of smoke.”
  “If you must say so, I admit the chimney smoke is attractive, too, but, this is only imagination. I don’t like things that are not real.”
  This remark left the crow speechless. How tedious, this guy who just stands there all day! The crow flew into the sky after the chimney smoke.
  Their squabble went on day after day. The late autumn was now here. The rice paddy was turned into a golden sea. Scarecrow felt so proud; while the crow was still fascinated with the chimney smoke.
  The old man reaped the rice. The rice field was now shallow and the scarecrow seemed taller than before. He was at a loss as to this change. But he guarded the empty rice field as before and stood motionless all day. The sparrows flew over and noted this awkward figure -one-legged and hard-headed scarecrow.
  “The rice is all gone. Why are you still standing there?” The birds teased the scarecrow.
  “I am the owner of the rice field; this is my post...” said the scarecrow. He said it to himself and did not need any bird to hear him.
  The crow came to watch the smoke. For the first time, he found the scarecrow had a beautiful gesture. He said to the birds, “How short-sighted you all are! Next year there will be new rice growing here and he is still the owner of the rice field.”
  The crow’s witty words beat the birds and gave encouragement to the scarecrow - there will be new rice next year. Through the whole winter, dried rice straw burned in the old man’s house; at every dusk, there was chimney smoke to watch. And the babble still went on, about which is more beautiful, the chimney smoke or the rice field.   稻草人说:“我承认炊烟很美。你也应该知道炊烟是从哪里来的,那是主人燃烧了稻田啊。所以我还是说,稻田最美。”
  One day the scarecrow said, “I admit the smoke is beautiful; but you should know where it comes from - it comes from the rice being burnt! That is why I think the rice field is more beautiful.”
  For the first time the crow replied in a low voice, “ I see. There is no smoke if there is no rice field...”
  There was no more argument now. They became friends. Together they waited for the spring, in the belief that the old man would make a new rice paddy. Soon, snow covered the field, and gave the scarecrow a white hat. The two friends were silent for most of the time. The crow rested on the poplar tree’s branch, watching the smoke; the scarecrow in his white hat waited for the spring.
  A swirl of warm spring wind came and took away the white hat. The crow told his friend, “The spring is coming and your rice field is returning!”
  Rejoiced, the scarecrow embraced the spring wind. Now he was even in the mood to make jokes with the crow. But the latter wore a sad look and said, “My smoke is thinner and thinner now. There must be little rice straw left in the house.”
  The scarecrow said,“Spring is coming and there will be a new rice field.”
  A few days later, there was no more smoke coming from the chimney. The old man was busy himself with packing. He put away all his farm tools, too. The crow and his friends felt puzzled. They could not figure out what was going on. A sparrow flew by and told them that the owner was planning to move.
  The crow did not speak. He looked at the field as if he were lost. He had a bad feeling something bad was going to happen.
  The scarecrow asked, “Why is he leaving? I love the paddy; so does he.”
  After a long pause the crow said, “If he leaves, there will be no rice field. No smoke either.”
  The scarecrow said, “I don’t believe he will leave the rice field.”
  那只麻雀歷来喜欢散布一些小道消息,乌鸦和稻草人都不愿相信这是真的,他们等待最后的结果。直到有一天,主人扛着包裹走出瓦房,惆怅地望着他的稻田。稻田里别无他物,只有稻草人还坚守在岗位上。主人扔下包裹朝稻田跑过去,站在稻田中央。   主人自言自語道:“我太老了,两腿得了严重的风湿病,不能再插秧了。要不是喜欢这片稻田,我早就答应儿子进城了。”
  The sparrow was a great gossip, so the crow and scarecrow did not believe her. They waited for the truth to come out. Then one day, the old man walked out of his house, carrying his package. He looked at the rice field sentimentally. The paddy was empty except for the scarecrow. The old man put his package down and walked to the center of the rice field.
  “I am too old. I can’t transplant the rice seedlings now. My legs ached from the chronic arthritis, and if it were not for this rice field, I should have gone to the city to join my son long ago.”
  The scarecrow was sad now. So the old man was really leaving.
  “We are both wrong about him.” said the crow.
  The old man lowered his head to the scarecrow, “Come with me pal. I am not going to leave you here.”
  The scarecrow answered, “I am not going anywhere.”
  The old man carried the scarecrow gently in his arms. He heard the scarecrow whisper, “Please set me on fire. Let the crow watch the smoke one more time.”
  The old man seemed to understand what the scarecrow said. He looked at the car coming to take him away. He looked at the car again. Then he carried the scarecrow into his house. A plume of smoke rose from the chimney, and dispersed into the blue, blue sky.
  “I agree with you that the blue sky is painting works of the land drawn with chimney smoke. I am going to do my work now...” The scarecrow, in his last breath, said to his friend the crow.
  The crow saw the most beautiful smoke in his life. One last plume. The crow lifted his body and flew after the smoke. With all his might, he flew up and up to the sky, and in where the smoke disappeared, his heart broke.
小路  在村庄里行走  吹也吹不尽的香稻花  掸也掸不掉的黏羊毛  小路懂得  大门吱呀呀的想法  也知道  井沿濕漉漉的心情  小路伸出胳膊  搂着每一座房子  撑住有些酸疼的腰  小路举着树枝  拦住淘气的炊烟  不许到村外乱跑  小路把小鞋子送进校门  再等着放学  小路给干完活的老鞋子  蹭去厚厚的泥  许多年后  小路将村庄背在身上  去那些日思夜念里  梦游  韩大为  画家简历:  
牧铃可谓一个传奇式作家,有着异乎常人的传奇经历。他生于城市,却成长于牧场、林区和山村;15岁“上山下乡”,做过牧童,当过农民,下过矿井,教过学生;体格瘦小,却喜欢探险;曾在西北的大漠落日下独自与狼同行,如今常年隐居深山潜心写作。  “丰富的经历,给我的创作提供了源源不断的素材。”牧铃说,几十年来,他写作的题材从来没有枯竭过。他的儿童文学作品,只有两类题材,一类是自然小说,另一类是少年成长小说。这都
你有机会——  获得辽宁省作家协会会员身份  获得省作家协会青少年作家等级证书  获得权威出版社“优秀特约编辑”荣誉证书  获得在核心期刊发表个人原创作品的机会  获得个人文学作品在全国公开出版发行的机会  获得与全国著名作家面对面交流,一起采风创作的机会  激发自己的文学潜能,绽放自己的文学才华  成为同学中的作文高手,学校里的创作骄子  因为你将有机会,进入——  青少年文學创意写作大讲堂特训
大嘴巴怪是个小妖怪,他妈妈才是大妖怪。他随妈妈在山上待很久了,都待烦了,也不知道自己几岁了。他担心这么待下去会老得快。变成一个小老头儿多没意思啊。  Big Mouth’s mother is a big monster, while he himself is only a small one. Big Mouth and his mother had lived on a mountain h
树上的两只蝉  一天到晚吵  一只扯着嗓子从早喊到晚  另一只也毫不示弱  阳光怎么劝也不行  树叶去捂嘴也不停下  满树的蝉宝宝在树上哭爹叫妈  他们也听不见  好好的日子  被吵声覆盖了  凉风一来  蝉冻得直哆嗦  嘴里一个字也吐不出  蝉啊蝉啊  生命多么短暂啊  有机会在一起的夏天  多么短暂啊  太阳捉月亮  早晨一跳起来  太阳就满天找月亮  傍晚也不忘一头扎进西天  一座山一座山地
乔万尼·梅诺迪这只瘦骨嶙峋的小公鸡售不出去。  “啊!太太,您走遍整个特雷维约,也找不到这么嫩的鸡。您看这鸡肉,真是又脆又细,一吃到嘴里,就像糖那样化掉!”  太太把鸡提了起来,掂了掂分量,仔细地看了看,便把它放回乔万尼·梅诺迪店铺的柜台上。乔万尼·梅诺迪的瘦鸡卖不出去。  乔万尼·梅诺迪这只骨瘦如柴的公鸡,生前长得就没模样,一身花斑毛,鸣不成调,行无行姿,却自负好斗。要是从墙头展翅欲飞,总是落到
哦,我的宝贝儿,从前海里有一条鲸,他吃各种各样的鱼。他吃海星、颌针鱼、螃蟹、比目鱼、鲽鱼、鲦鱼、鳐鱼和他的配偶,还吃鲭鱼、小狗鱼和真正滴溜儿转的鳝鱼。因此,凡是他在所有的海里能找到的鱼,他全用嘴吃了!直到最后所有的海里只剩下一条小鱼,他是一条机灵的小鱼,为了使鲸伤不着他,他在鲸的右耳稍后一点儿游动。于是鲸踮着尾巴向上升起,说:“我饿了。”机灵的小鱼狡黠地小声说:  “高贵宽宏的鲸,你品尝过人吗?”
比起林场和园艺场,更不要说旁边的“五七干校”了,论好玩和有趣都比村子里差不多。比如经常在村里窜的焊洋铁壶的、修钟表的、磨剪子抢菜刀的、打铁的……这些人从不到别的地方去。  他们是干什么营生的,一进村子都知道了:如果一阵嘶哑低沉的号角响起,那就是焊洋铁壶的来了;修钟表的人敲铜板,叮叮当当;磨刀剪的一进村就扯开嗓子大喊;只有打铁的没声没响住下,忙着垒灶生火。他们一来就不是一两天的事,所以也就不急着宣布