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香蕉花叶心腐病是香蕉的重要病害,危害严重,广东省列为检疫对象。 据报道,本病30年代以前在菲律宾、澳大利亚、巴布亚新几内亚、北婆罗洲及南美洲等地有发生。我国最早于1974年前后在广州市郊、东莞和顺德等地发现,以后不断扩散蔓延,到1987年全省约有10多个市、地,30多个县的蕉园发生,估计发病面积近1万亩,局部地方造成严重为害。梅县地区1987年全区普查,发病面积1338亩,其中发病株率在60—92.5%的有30亩,发病株率50%以下的有1305亩。肇庆地区发病面积660多亩,发病严重的病株率达70% Banana mosaic leaf heart disease is an important disease of bananas, serious harm, as a quarantine object in Guangdong Province. It has been reported that the disease occurred in the Philippines, Australia, Papua New Guinea, North Borneo and South America before the 1930s. As early as 1974, our country was found in the outskirts of Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shunde and other places. Since then, it spread and spread continuously. By 1987, there were about 10 banana plants in more than 10 cities, prefectures and over 30 counties, and the estimated disease area was nearly 1 Mu, causing serious damage in some places. Meixian region in 1987 census, the incidence of 1338 acres, of which incidence rate of 60-92.5% of 30 acres, the incidence of less than 50% of the plant has 1305 acres. Zhaoqing area of ​​660 mu of disease area, the incidence of severe diseased plants reached 70%
杨圆蚧(Quhdrhspidiotns gigas)在绥化地区慢延成灾,成为农田防护林带的重要害虫。为此,我们开展了杨圆蚧综合防治技术措施的研究,而该文作者则测重于杨树抗虫品系的选择和抗
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本文介绍了用光学显微镜检查植物病毒内含体的技术包括染色、取样、切片技术及样品的保存。 This article describes techniques for examining plant virus inclusions usi
癞皮夜蛾(Gadirtha inexacta Walker)属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)、夜蛾科(Noctuidac)、皮夜蛾亚科(Sarrothripinae)、癞皮蛾属(Gadirtha Walker)昆虫,又各乌柏癞皮蛾。分布在我