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12月2日,由大洋公司、中国电影电视技术学会和《世界广播电视》杂志共同主办的DDMN2011精英论坛在三亚海韵酒店隆重举行。作为影视前沿技术的交流平台,DDMN已经成功举办了十二届。虽然此前也曾多次参加过,然而本次以“云计算与高清制播”为主题的DDMN2011精英论坛仍然让笔者感受到了主办方的用心和高度重视。本届DDMN采用精英论坛的形式,大洋公司总裁姚威先生在开幕致辞中介绍道,其目的是与时俱进、贴近实际应用,让真正战斗在一线的广电精英不仅了解和掌握新技术,而且更加深入的参与到对未来技术的发展和规划中,引领整个技术潮流的发展,使新技术更好的为一线人员服务。秉承上述理念,DDMN2011除安排了精彩的主题报告会外,还在下午特别设立了以“高清制播”和“云计算”为主题的两个分论坛,使来自全国各地的电视台技术骨干、业内专家、厂商代表们真正的坐到了一起,对云计算和高清制播等技术的实际应用和技术规划进行了具有互动性的交流和探讨。对DDMN研讨会,中央电视台技管办主任徐进先生如此评价:DDMN见证了我国广播电视技术进步的历程,对推动中国广播电视制、播、管、存技术的数字化、网络化,以及高清晰度电视的发展发挥了重要作用。目前系统网络化、流程信息化、节目文件化的技术路线给广播电视事业带来了高效率和高质量,而便捷的跨时空交换和信息的可管可控则增强了广播电视作为新闻媒体的核心竞争力。本届DDMN对云计算、高清晰度电视制作、演播室包装等三网融合背景下的数字媒体网络技术发展新趋势的探讨与交流,必将为数字媒体和网络技术发展翻开新的一页。 On December 2, DDMN2011 Elite Forum co-hosted by Oceania, China Academy of Motion Picture and Television Technology and World Broadcasting and Television magazine was held in Sanya Haiyun Hotel. DDMN has successfully held the 12th session as the communication platform for the forefront of film and television technology. Although I had participated in many times before, this time, the DDMN2011 Elite Forum with the theme of “Cloud Computing and HD Broadcasting” still let the author feel the organizers’ intentions and attach great importance. The DDMN this elite forum in the form of Ocean Corporation President Yao Wei introduced in his opening speech, the purpose is to advance with the times, close to the practical application, so that the real fight in the field of radio and television elite not only understand and master the new technology, but also More in-depth participation in the development and planning of the future technology, leading the development of the entire technology trend, so that new technologies to better serve front-line staff. Adhering to the above concept, DDMN2011 in addition to arranging a wonderful theme of the report will be held in the afternoon also set up a special “HD system broadcast ” and “cloud computing ” as the theme of the two sub forums so that television stations from all over the country Technical backbone, industry experts, manufacturers representatives really sit together on the cloud computing and high-definition broadcast and other technologies for practical applications and technical planning conducted an interactive exchange and discussion. On DDMN seminar, CCTV CTO Xu Jin said: DDMN has witnessed the progress of radio and television technology in our country, and has been instrumental in promoting the digitization and networking of China’s radio and television broadcasting, broadcasting, management and storage technologies as well as high-definition The development of television has played an important role. At present, the technical route of networked system, process informatization and program documentation brings high efficiency and high quality to the radio and television industry. Convenient inter-temporal exchange of information and manageable controllable information enhance the radio and television as a news media Core competencies. This DDMN discussion and exchange of new trends in the development of digital media network technology under the background of triple play of cloud computing, high-definition television production and studio packaging will surely open a new page for the development of digital media and network technologies .
蚊虫(Mosquito)是自然界中一类最常见的昆虫,在分类上隶属于昆虫纲(Class Insecta Linnaeus),双翅目(Diptera),蚊科(Culicidae),是多种重要疾病的传播媒介。蚊分为三个亚科(s
六优1号是我院用六千辛 A 作母本,77302~1(浙江嘉兴市农科所选育)作父本配制而成的杂交粳稻新组合。1984~1985年参加南方稻区区试,单季稻亩产481.9~516.1公斤,比对照105增产18.
栽培面积和产量 近十年来,瑞典油料作物(油菜)面积徘徊在16万公顷左右,约占可耕地总面积的6%,其中约有1/3种植冬油菜,1/3春油菜和1/3春性白菜型油菜。最近几年,冬性白菜型油
目的:  评价紫外光固化技术在疏水性丙烯酸酯人工晶状体材料表面接枝2-甲基丙烯酰氧基乙基磷酰胆碱(MPC)的可行性。设计一种前表面亲水,后表面疏水的新型人工晶状体(IOL)。
一、引言大茎野生种(S.robustum Grassl)的利用,在世界甘蔗育种上还不甚普遍。美国、澳大利亚、印度等国虽然均有利用,但也未能育成商用品种。台湾省利用大茎野生种进行甘蔗