Indentation of a compressible soft electroactive half-space: Some theoretical aspects

来源 :Acta Mechanica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frkzhu
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We theoretically study the indentation response of a compressible soft electroactive material by a rigid punch. The half-space material is assumed to be initially subjected to a finite deformation and an electric biasing field. By adopting the linearized theory for incremental fields, which is established on the basis of a general nonlinear theory for electroelasticity, the appropriate equations governing the perturbed infinitesimal elastic and electric fields are derived particularly when the material is subjected to a uniform equibiaxial stretch and a uniform electric displacement. A general solution to the governing equations is presented, which is concisely expressed in terms of four quasi-harmonic functions. By adopting the potential theory method, exact contact solutions for three common perfectly conducting rigid indenters of flat-ended circular, conical and spherical geometries can be derived, and some explicit relations that are of practical importance are outlined. We theoretically study the indentation response of a compressible soft electroactive material by rigid punch. By adopting the linearized theory for incremental fields, which is established on the basis of a general nonlinear theory for electroelasticity, the appropriate equations governing the perturbed infinitesimal elastic and electric fields are derived particularly when the material is subjected to a uniform equibiaxial stretch and a uniform electric displacement. A general solution to the governing equations is presented According to the potential theory method, exact contact solutions for three common perfectly conducting rigid indenters of flat-ended circular, conical and spherical geometries can be derived, and some explicit relations that are of practical importance are outlined.
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