
来源 :兵团工运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiukaifeng
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“今年的”文化之冬“活动马上就要开始了,咱们连一定要拿出水平。为了搞好这项活动,不管是党员、干部、职工,想参加活动的都可以报名,积极参与”文化之冬“活动,展示咱们的精神面貌,共同把”文化之冬“的活动办出”彩“来。”支部书记潘维琴在全连“三冬”动员大会上说道。为丰富全团职工群众的冬季文化生活,二师二十九团工会开展了以“全民健身活动、文艺演出、书法绘画展览、红歌大家唱” “This year’s ” winter culture “activities will soon begin, we must even come up with a level.In order to do a good job in this activity, whether it is party members, cadres, workers, want to participate in the activities can register, and actively Participate in the ”Cultural Winter “ activities, to show our spiritual outlook, together to ”Cultural Winter “ activities to do ”Branch Secretary Pan Weiqin in the whole company “ three winter Mobilization meeting said. In order to enrich the winter cultural life of the entire group of workers and staff, the twenty-nine divisions and twenty-nine trade unions launched the ”National fitness activities, theatrical performances, calligraphy and painting exhibitions,
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考场作文除了要卷面整洁,少错别字,规矩写题,斟酌字数,规范使用标点外,还要做到“三新”:题目新、选材新、形式新。一、题目新古人说:题者,额也;目者,眼也。文章题目 In ad
选择题部分单项选择 )1 .The elassroom of Class 215 smallerthan_. A .his B.her C.their D.us )2 .Kate 15 taller than玩ey,、oshe sits_Luey. A.in front of B.after C.
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