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  What can you do?
  Giraffe: 你们会什么呢?请用“can”来表达。“can”的意思是“能,会”。表达“我会……”时用“I can ...”句型;询问“你会……”时用“What can you do?”另外,“Can you ...”表示“你会……嗎?”
  Giraffe: 同学们,can you make fruit salad?
  All: Yes, we can. 老师你教过我们水果魔法呢。
  Giraffe: 太好了,那我们到时候就表演水果沙拉魔法吧。
  This is my ...
  Giraffe: 今天是家长日,非常欢迎家长朋友们来参观我们的魔法学校。现在,先请小朋友们介绍一下你们的家长。介绍人物时,我们可以用:
  1. “He is ...”意思是“他是……”,用来介绍男性。
  2. “She is ...”意思是“她是……”,用来介绍女性。
  3. “This is ...”意思是“这是……”,这种用法介绍男女皆可,比较普遍。
  I can make ...
  Giraffe: 接下来就请欣赏我们的魔法节目——水果沙拉。在这个节目中,我们会用到“I can make ...”句型,意思是“我会制作……”。
  Wonderful! 水果沙拉表演赢得了家长们的热烈掌声。孩子们在森林魔法学校不仅学会了小魔法,他们的英语水平也在不断提升呢。How nice!
Listen and draw. 听录音,根据录音,画出正确的时间。  get up  have breakfast  draw pictures  play the piano  go swimming  play football  watch TV  go to bed  Look, match and read. 看图连线,读一读英语“三字经”。  我家dad  脾气bad  让我sad 
I am Andrew. I am busy on Sundays.  In the morning, I play the piano.  I like it very much.  In the afternoon, I do DIY jobs.  Then I play ball games with my close friends.  We have a good time.  What
Today is Saturday. I don’t have lessons.  I get up at eight o’clock. I have breakfast at eight thirty.  After breakfast, I do my homework.  In the afternoon, I play football with my friends.  We go ho
上集中,为了拯救遭到风怪摧毁的家园,小动物们勇往森林之心寻求赶走风怪的办法。然而风怪一路追随,他们的处境十分危险。大象叔叔告诉他们森林之心已被风怪破坏,同时他们得知了拯救家园的新方法。小动物们能否成功呢?请继续欣赏来自江苏省常州市武进区城东小学的同学们的精彩表演。  Wind Monster King: You want to get to the heart of forest? Stop da
I am always busy and happy on Sundays.  I often have drawing lessons in the morning.  I sometimes go to the park with my friends in the afternoon.  I can see beautiful flowers and lovely birds there. 
學 名:Crab  居住地:ocean(海洋), lake and pond(池塘)  食 谱:small fish, shrimps(小虾), shellfish (贝类)and seaweed(海藻)  特 长:swim, walk sideways(横着走)and dig sand(掘泥沙)  This is a blue whale.  Blue whale lives in the oc
Once upon a time(很久以前), there was a magical Peacock Fairy. She can make people’s dream come true. She was beautiful in appearance(外表), and in heart as well.  會魔法的孔雀仙子和她的伙伴们之间会发生什么样有趣的故事呢?下面快来欣赏吴江实验小学教
在我们熟悉的寓言故事中,善良的农夫在寒冷的冬天用自己的身体去温暖一条冻僵了的蛇,可是,蛇被救活了,农夫却被蛇咬死了。在今天的故事中,一个农夫又遇见了蛇,他会怎么办呢?他们之间又会发生怎样的故事呢?Let’s read the story.  A farmer lives on a farm.  He is very clever(聪明的).  And he likes helping(帮助) pe
冬天到了,森林学校快放寒假了,小动物们都想珍惜这难得的时光,和大家好好地玩一玩。  Monkey: Mr. Giraffe,我们今天出去玩一玩,好不好?  Giraffe: Good idea. 但是,今天天气怎么样?  Monkey: It is sunny today. (今天是晴天。)  Giraffe: 大家知道如何用英语询问天气并进行回答吗?  Rabbit: 不是很清楚。老师,快给我们
小兔子Daisy的生日到了,她的好朋友小松鼠、小猴子和小象来参加她的生日聚会,他们还带来了一些presents。在小兔子Daisy的眼中,最好的生日礼物是什么呢?Let’s read the story.  Daisy is a little rabbit.  She lives in a forest(森林).  She has many friends.  They often play to