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和平县热水公社党委,积极带领广大社员群众,狠批林彪效法孔老二“克己复礼”,妄图复辟资本主义的罪行。通过批判,广大干部、社员提高了阶级斗争、路线斗争和继续革命的觉悟,激发了社会主义积极性,今年第一季度植树造林7,049亩,超额8%完成全年植树造林任务。在批林批孔运动中,公社党委认真学习毛主席、党中央关于批林批孔的指示和党中央规定的有关文件,进一步提高了抓大事,促大干的自觉性。公社党委成员分头下到大队、生产队蹲点,帮助各队培训骨干,发动群众在山 Heping County Public Utilities Committee, actively lead the mass of members of the masses, mercurial vapor, criticized Lin Biao hard follow the example of “self-denial”, in an attempt to restore capitalist crimes. Through criticism, the vast numbers of cadres and members raised their awareness of class struggle, the route struggle and continued revolution and aroused the enthusiasm for socialism. In the first quarter of this year, 7,049 mu of afforestation and an 8% excess were needed to complete the annual afforestation task. During the campaign to criticize Lin and criticize Confucius, commune and commune party committees earnestly studied Chairman Mao’s and Party Central Committee’s directives on criticizing Lin and criticizing the proletariat and the relevant documents stipulated by the Party Central Committee, further raising the awareness of grasping major events and promoting greater accomplishments. Commune party members go down to the brigade separately, the production team to spend time, to help each team training backbone, mobilize the masses in the mountains
A number of novel strobilurin analogues containing substituted N-phenylpyrimidin-2-amines were synthesized.The structures of these new compounds were confirmed
Effect of TiO2 content on the burnability of clinker with high C3S were investigated by determination of free lime in final product, and the clinker phase forma
中国电视金鹰奖参评动画作品。动画电视剧一等奖并被推荐第二十五届动画片,第十四届福建省电视艺术《三七小福星》获2009年度优秀国产超级搞笑动画版的“武林外传” China T
目的建立一种简便、快速、灵敏的测定比格犬血浆中硫酸长春新碱(vincristine sulfate,VCR)浓度的液相串联质谱(LCMS/MS)法,并研究硫酸长春新碱热敏脂质体(VSTL)比格犬体内药