积极实践财税职能 推进经济和谐发展

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诸暨市财政局、诸暨市地方税务局是综合诸暨市财政收支、实施财政监督以及地方税费征收管理的职能部门。1997年国地税机构分设后,诸暨市财政局、诸暨市地方税务局下设19个科室,6个税务分局,1个稽查局,6个下属单位。全局现有干部职工326人,大专以上学历人数占总数的93.6%,是一支充满青春活力、朝气蓬勃、奋发进取的队伍。诸暨市财政局、诸暨市地方税务局认真贯彻落实科学发展观,拓宽理财思路,积极组织收入。2006年,全市共完成财政总收入33.43 Zhuji City Bureau of Finance, Zhuji City Local Taxation Bureau is the integrated financial revenue and expenditure in Zhuji City, the implementation of financial supervision and local tax collection and management functions. After the establishment of the national tax agency in 1997, the Zhuji Municipal Finance Bureau and the Local Taxation Bureau of Zhuji City set up 19 departments, six taxation bureaus, an inspection bureau and six subordinate units. The existing number of cadres and workers of the existing 326, college education accounted for 93.6% of the total, is a full of youthful vitality, vibrant, progressive and enterprising team. Zhuji City Bureau of Finance, Zhuji City Local Taxation Bureau conscientiously implement the scientific concept of development, broaden the financial management thinking, and actively organize revenue. In 2006, the city completed a total financial revenue of 33.43
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有相当一部分临床医生对相对数的概念不理解 ,常把“率”和“构成比”相混淆 ,把“发病率”与“患病率”、“死亡率”与“病死率”相混淆。此类错误看起来好象是基本常识 ,但
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质量是杂志生存和发展的源泉,为使杂志从内容到形式实现一个质的飞跃,2006年 本刊将实行全新改版。改版后的杂志整体装帧设计大为改观,全部采用彩色印刷(封 面、封底采用157g