Overexpression of lysine specific demethylase 1 predicts worse prognosis in primary hepatocellular c

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanhuafuren
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AIM:To investigate the clinicopathological features and prognostic value of lysine specific demethylase 1(LSD1) in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC).METHODS:We examined LSD1 expression in 60 paired liver cancer tissues and adjacent noncancerous tissues by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction(qRT-PCR) and Western blotting.In addition,we analyzed LSD1 expression in 198 HCC samples by immunohistochemistry.The relationship between LSD1 expression,clinicopathological features and patient survival was investigated.RESULTS:Immunohistochemistry,Western blotting,and qRT-PCR consistently confirmed LSD1 overexpression in HCC tissues compared to adjacent non-neoplastic tissues(P < 0.01).Additionally,immunostaining showed more LSD1-positive cells in the higher tumor stage(T3-4) and tumor grade(G3) than in the lower tumor stage(T1-2,P < 0.001) and tumor grade(G1-2,P < 0.001),respectively.Moreover,HCC patients with high LSD1 expression had significantly lower 5-year overall survival rates(P < 0.001) and lower 5-year disease-free survival rates(P < 0.001),respectively.A Cox proportional hazards model further demonstrated that LSD1 over-expression was an independent predictor of poor prognosis for both 5-year disease-free survival [hazards ratio(HR) = 1.426,95%CI:0.672-2.146,P < 0.001] and 5-year overall survival(HR = 2.456,95%CI:1.234-3.932,P < 0.001) in HCC.CONCLUSION:Our data suggest for the first time that the overexpression of LSD1 protein in HCC tissues indicates tumor progression and predicts poor prognosis. AIM: To investigate the clinicopathological features and prognostic value of lysine specific demethylase 1(LSD1) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).METHODS:We examined LSD1 expression in 60 paired liver cancer tissues and adjacent noncancerous tissues by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT (PCR) and Western blotting.In addition,we analyzed LSD1 expression in 198 HCC samples by immunohistochemistry.The relationship between LSD1 expression,clinicopathological features and patient survival was investigated.RESULTS:Immunohistochemistry,Western blotting, and qRT-PCR confirms LSD1 overexpression In HCC tissue compared to adjacent non-neoplastic tissues (P < 0.01).Additionally, immunostaining showed more LSD1-positive cells in the higher tumor stage (T3-4) and tumor grade (G3) than in the lower tumor stage (T1- 2,P < 0.001) and tumor grade(G1-2,P < 0.001),respectively.Moreover,HCC patients with high LSD1 expression had significant lower 5-year overall survival rates(P < 0.001) and lower 5-year disease-free survival rates (P < 0.001), respectively. A Cox proportional hazards model further demonstrated that LSD1 over-expression was an independent predictor of poor prognosis for both 5-year disease-free survival [hazards Ratio(HR) = 1.426,95%CI:0.672-2.146,P < 0.001] and 5-year overall survival (HR = 2.456,95%CI:1.234-3.932,P < 0.001) in HCC.CONCLUSION:Our data For the first time that the expression of LSD1 protein in HCC tissues indicated tumor progression and predicts poor prognosis.
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