
来源 :教育现代化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boyskys
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结合高职学生的特点,提出开设航空机务类专业认知与职业规划课程,从课程的教学目标、课程内容的选择与安排、课程的教学组织与实施三方面介绍了课程的建设思路,最后结合课程的特点,着重介绍了微课程资源的建设及其在课程教学实施过程中的应用,对其他课程的建设具有借鉴意义。 According to the characteristics of students in higher vocational colleges, this paper proposes to set up the course of cognition and career planning of aviation maintenance class, and introduces the idea of ​​curriculum construction from three aspects: the teaching objectives, the choice and arrangement of the curriculum contents, the teaching organization and implementation of the curriculum, The characteristics of the course, especially the introduction of the construction of micro-curriculum resources and its application in the implementation of the course teaching, have reference significance for the construction of other courses.
The density functional theory B3LYP/6-311g* method is used in the geometry optimization and frequency calculation on Si4X (X = Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F) clusters.
针对本钢冷轧厂连续热镀锌机组的钝化装置、钝化工艺提出了几点改进意见,并根据实际生产情况,介绍了一些钝化实际生产所采用的技术参数和使用效果。 In view of the passiva
耐高温复合钛合金 日本金属材料研究所的专家制成了一种新型的复合钛合金,它在650℃的高温下不会产生软化,而普通高温钛合金所能承受 High-temperature resistant composit
Under the framework of non-equilibrium thermodynamic separation theory (NTST), Local Lagrangian approach (LLA) was proposed to deal with the essential issues o
书于我们,如良师益友.所谓“一书一世界,一语益一生.” 带着对与学生相处的困惑及寻找策略的迫切心情我找到了《师生沟通技巧》这本书,如获至宝,希望从其中寻找到打开教育之
我院共植入硅凝胶后房型人工晶体65眼,其中25眼因降压不当等原因,造成下袢植入困难,立即采用改进的方法,均1次顺利植入,具体方法介绍如下: 按现代白内障囊外摘除术,后囊膜抛