长江散货运输组织方式研究通过鉴定 预计每年可节省运费8亿元,节约燃油8000t

来源 :水运工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chcyu
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由武汉理工大学、交通部水运科学研究院等单位参与研究的课题“长江散货运输给织方式研究”于日前通过鉴定。专家认为该项目成果的推广应用,有利于优化长江散货运输系统,推进船型标准化,降低长江散货运输企业经营成本,降低全社会物流成本,带来巨大的经济和社会效益。同时,有利于充分发挥长江“黄金水道”节约土地资源、节约能源、减少噪声、减少污染等方面的重要作用。 By the Wuhan University of Technology, Ministry of Communications Research Institute of Water Transport and other units involved in research topics “Yangtze River bulk transport to weaving research ” recently passed the appraisal. Experts believe that the popularization and application of the project results are conducive to optimizing the bulk cargo transport system in the Yangtze River, promoting the standardization of the ship type, reducing the operating costs of the Yangtze River bulk shipping enterprises, and lowering the logistics costs of the entire society, bringing tremendous economic and social benefits. At the same time, it will be conducive to giving full play to the important role of the Yangtze River’s “Golden Waterway” in saving land resources, saving energy, reducing noise and reducing pollution.
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