
来源 :老年教育(老年大学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longlong2ddd
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一个区级单位,办老年学校达到151所,街道乡镇办学实现100%,参加学习的老年学员达12000余人。近几年投入的办学经费达到1600多万元,为改善办学基础设施投资达1319.5万元……这一串串闪光的数字令人激动不已!数字,凝聚着南京市江宁区党委、政府及有关部门领导抓老年教育的心血;数字,折射出该区各级老年大学(学校)管理、教学人员爱岗敬业、无私奉献的汗水。请各地分管老年教育工作的领导、部门和办学人员都来读读毛卫华副书记的这篇文章,相信只要像江宁区党委、政府这样真抓真管真重视;像江宁区老年大学管理教学人员这样对老年教育真爱真干真钻研,老年教育事业一定会生机盎然、持续发展! A district-level unit has set up 151 seniors schools, 100% of schools and towns in towns and villages, and more than 12,000 seniors participate in the study. In recent years invested in the school funding reached more than 16 million yuan, to improve school infrastructure investment reached 13,195,000 yuan ... ... this string of flashing figures exciting! Digital, condensed Jiangning District, Nanjing party committee, government and related The department heads grasp the effort of education in old age; the figures reflect the sweat in the management of senior citizens’ universities (schools) and the teaching staffs who love their jobs and dedication and selfless dedication at all levels in the district. The leaders, departments and school personnel who are in charge of education for the elderly in all parts of the country should read this article from the deputy secretary Mao Weihua. I believe that as long as Jiangning District party committee and government are really serious and serious, like Jiangning District Elderly University Management and Teaching Staff The true love of the elderly education really hard to study, the elderly education will be full of vitality, sustainable development!
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In this work, we fabricated a monodisperse nanocomposite by coating gold nanorods(Au NRs) with a layer of biocompatible, stable carbon, obtaining Au NR@Carbon c
对建筑物地下水份迁移的机理和规律进行了初步研究,提出了一些减轻和防治这种慢性自然灾害的对策。 A preliminary study was made on the mechanism and laws of the ground