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似花还似非花,也无人惜从教坠。抛家傍路,思量却是、无情有思。萦损柔肠,困酣娇眼,欲开还闭。梦随风万里,寻郎去处,又还被、莺呼起。 不恨此花飞尽,恨西园、落红难缀。晓来雨过、遗踪何在?一池萍碎。春色三分,二分尘土,一分流水。细看来、不是杨花,点点是离人泪。 这是一首咏杨花的词。其首句即出手不凡:“似花还似非花”,紧紧扣住杨花的特征。好像是花又好像不是花,也没有人珍惜就任由她到处飘落。“抛家傍路,思量却是,无情有思”,反用韩愈的《晚春》诗“杨花榆荚无才思,惟解漫天作雪飞”之意,谓杨花不是无意地抛家傍路而飞,看似无情,却有她的愁思。杨花在空中飞舞,像是索绕着女儿 It seems like flowers are not like flowers, and nobody cares to teach them to fall. To find a way out, think about it and think ruthlessly. Damage to the intestines, embarrassment, and want to open and close. With the wind blowing thousands of miles away, he went to search for Lang, and he was still being called. Do not hate this flower fly, hate the West Park, red is difficult to decorate. What happened to the rain and whereabouts? Three-point spring, two dust, a minute flow. When you look at it, it’s not Yang Hua. Little bit of it is tears from people. This is a word that criticizes Yang Hua. The first sentence of his shot was extraordinary: “It seems like flowers are not like flowers,” tightly buckling the characteristics of Yang Hua. It seems like flowers are not flowers, and no one cherishes them and lets her fall. “Throwing home, thinking about it, thinking ruthlessly,” contrary to Han Yu’s “late spring” poem “Yang Huaxi has no ability to think, but the solution to the sky for snow fly” means that Yang Hua is not inadvertently tossing home and Fly, seemingly ruthless, but there is her thoughts. Yang Hua flutters in the air, like winding around her daughter
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