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毛泽东在北大的日子毛泽东第一次来北大是在1918年8月19日。当时,他为组织湖南青年赴法勤工俭学,第一次到达北京。在京之初,主要是会同蔡和森等人从事赴法勤工俭学的组织工作。9月底,经杨昌济介绍,到李大钊任主任的北京大学图书馆当助理员。工作之余,毛泽东还时常到北京大学去旁听,并加入北大的哲学研究会和新闻学研究会。在参加这些学会的过程中,认识了许多名人学士,如陈公博、谭平山、邵飘萍等。同时,他还参加了邓中夏等进步青年组织的北大平民教育讲演团,并以新民学会在京会友的名义,请蔡元培、陶孟和、胡适等做报告及解答问题。在北京,毛泽东及时阅读了李大钊的《庶民的胜利》等宣传十月革命和马克思主义的文章。在李大钊的帮助下,开始朝着马克思主义的方向发展。同时,他也读了一些关于无政府主义的小册子,颇受影响。 Mao Zedong’s first visit to Peking University on the day of Peking University was held on August 19, 1918. At that time, he went to work in Beijing for the first time in organizing work-study programs for young people in Hunan. At the beginning of Beijing, he was mainly involved in the organization of work-study programs in France with Cai Hesen and others. By the end of September, introduced by Yang Changji to Li Dazhao as the director of the Peking University Library as an assistant. During his spare time, Mao Zedong often went to Peking University to attend and joined Peking University’s Philosophical Research Association and Journalism Research Association. In the process of attending these societies, I met many famous bachelors, such as Chen Gongbo, Tan Pingshan and Shao Piaoping. At the same time, he also attended the Peking University Civil Education Lecture Corps by Deng Xiaoxia and other progressive youth organizations and asked Cai Yuanpei, Tao Menghe and Hu Shi to give a report and answer questions on behalf of the Xinmin Society in Beijing. In Beijing, Mao Zedong read Li Dazhao’s Common People’s Victory in a timely manner and other articles promoting the October Revolution and Marxism. With the help of Li Dazhao, we started to move toward Marxism. At the same time, he also read some of the pamphlets on anarchism, quite affected.
踏着夕阳,在蒙华铁路洛河大桥刚下班的建筑工人蔡江涛,顺便在山间路边采摘了一束野菊花拿在手中,他要带回宿舍让野菊花的清香溢满房间。与钢铁水泥打交道的建筑工人也有这般柔情,即使再辛苦也要让生活充满花香。这是10月22日笔者在现场采撷到的感人一幕。  蒙华铁路是我国目前最大规模的在建运煤专线,也是一条重载铁路。它北起内蒙古浩勒报吉,终点到江西省吉安,线路全长1 837千米,规划设计输送能力为2亿吨/年。
在无版权引进中华文化的同时,日本文化把中华文化的细节放大了。日本人认为,“能面”具有人和灵的特质。 While copyright-free introduction of Chinese culture, Japanese
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