我校是陕西省开设《人口教育》课最早的试点学校之一。因为勉县是“全国计划生育先进县”,学校在10年前便正式开设了人口教育课。现谈谈我们10年来,教好这门课的一些做法: 一、摆正人口教育课在教学中的位置。开设人口教育课是一个创举,为了解除教帅、家长的疑虑,唤起全体师生的参与意识,学校组织教职工学习有关文件,统一认识,扫清思想障碍,把人口教育课列入学校的教学计划,保证课时,列为必修课。在高一讲授不少于20课时。 在教学内容上,以国家教委统编课本为主,结合县
Our school is one of the earliest pilot schools for the opening of the “Population Education” course in Shaanxi Province. Because Jixian County is a “national advanced county for family planning”, the school officially opened a population education class 10 years ago. Let us now talk about some of the lessons we have taught in this class in the past 10 years: First, we will put the position of the population education class in teaching. The establishment of a population education class is a pioneering initiative. In order to relieve the doubts of teachers and parents, and to arouse the awareness of participation of all teachers and students, the school organizes teaching staff to learn relevant documents, unify understanding, clear away the barriers to thinking, and include population education classes in school teaching. Plans, guaranteed hours, are listed as compulsory. In high school I teach no less than 20 hours. In terms of teaching content, it is mainly composed of textbooks compiled by the State Education Commission, combined with counties.