,The Development of a Law-based Society Contributes to the Legal Protection of Human Rights in China

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Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, the Party and the State have gained a richer and deeper understanding of human rights. In 1997, the 15th Commu-nist Party of China National Congress Report put forward "respect for human rights". In 2004, the idea that "the State respects and protects human rights" was written into the Constitution, which means that "respect and human rights" have become a basic constitutional principle. In 2012, the 18th CPC National Congress Report put forward the new requirement that "human rights must be eaestly respected and protected". In 2014, The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Major Issues Pertaining to Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law proposed to "enhance the awareness of the entire society to respect and protect human rights" and to "promote public awareness of rule of law". The Decision outlined a gradual process for the Party and the State to enhance human rights, which includes a general understanding of human rights, the implementation of human rights, and the application of the rule of law to respect and protect human rights.
Today, as delegates from different parts of the world gather in Beijing for the first "South-South Human Rights Forum" to discuss the promotion of human rights
摘 要:本文从幼儿教师专业能力提升的环境创造、幼儿教师反思、活动实践以及研究型教学这几个方面进行探讨,提出一些建议,希望能对幼儿教师专业能力的提升起到积极作用。  关键词:幼儿教师;专业能力;教育  教师的专业成长也就是教师从“普通人”转变为“教师”的专业发展过程,其专业要求可以分为理性和实践两个部分,理性要求即为专业水平,而实践要求就是指教师在教学过程中解决各种问题的能力,包括教学经验、教学能力
摘 要:随着社会的发展,幼儿的交往问题越来越引起心理学家的重视。笔者结合自己的教学实践,笔者从提供机会,培养幼儿交往的愿望;适时点拨,规范幼儿的交往行为;家园配合,培养幼儿的交往能力;开展活动,拓宽幼儿的交往空间等角度阐述了自己的见解和主张。  关键词:愿望;点拨;机会;行为;配合;活动;拓展;鼓励  《幼儿园指导纲要》指出:乐意与人交往,引导幼儿参加集体活动,体验与教师、同伴等共同生活的乐趣,帮
摘 要:随着现代社会进入信息时代,人类知识加速膨胀,各种信息也在不断地充实和更新。作为知识传播主要载体的图书也浩如烟海。各学校图书馆的藏书往往数以百万计,面对如此骇人的数量,读者想要仅凭个人来查找所需的图书无疑是很困难的。这样的情况下,往往需要图书档案管理人员的辅助。这就要求图书档案管理人员具有相应的专业素质,对图书档案管理领域知识掌握非常扎实,明确自身职责,对如何立卷、整理上架图书等专业知识了然
在从教的十几年里,我虽然担任班主任的时间不长,但是感触颇深。要当好班主任,管理好一个班级,做学生的良师益友,我认为做好以下几方面尤为重要。  一、营造民主平等的氛围,培养孩
摘 要:作为人类知识宝库和文献信息中心的图书馆,在传播知识、传递信息资源、开发智力、培养人才方面是发展与完善信息服务功能的关键环节。  关键词:信息;内容;数据库  21世纪,社会进入信息化新世纪。图书馆事业得到了较大的发展 ,尤其是通信技术 、微缩技术 、多媒体技术以及网络技术在图书馆中的广泛应用,促进图书馆的各类文献服务水平发生了极大的变化,电子资源、网络资源的迅速发展也对以传统的印刷文献为主