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一夺布丹老汉决定从“栓马桩”回到像一朵蘑菇云一般漂浮在半山腰的黑色帐篷时,一丛又一丛的野百合正在措拉玛湖边疯长着。整整四十年,夺布丹老汉没有离开过“栓马桩”。自从老伴追随儿子长眠在那片冶艳的百合花中,世界便在他的眼中失去了所有的生命和色彩。夺布丹老汉骑着他的枣红马,沿着灌木丛中的马道慢慢地向前走着。夕阳的余辉从刀刃般的山峰斜斜地倾洒下来,为幽静的山谷增添了一些阴柔和狐媚的色彩。“拉加就是在这样一个迷人的黄昏被白胡子仙翁指点了迷津啊!”夺布丹老汉记得很小的时候,他的爷爷,一 When a decision by the old Bhutan decided to return to the black tent like a cloud of mushroom floating in the middle of the mountain from “Staking Stakes,” a series of wild lily trees are going mad at Lake Lama. A full 40 years, the boss won the Bombing did not leave “pinning ”. The world has lost all his life and color in his eyes, since his wife, after his son had slept in that delicate lily flower. The old boss of Bhutan rode his bay horse and walked slowly along the bushes in the bushes. The afterglow of the setting sun sloped down from the blade-like peaks, adding some feminine foxes to the secluded valleys. “Ragazan is in such a charming twilight bearded by the white mustache ah!” Bustin old man remember a very young man, his grandfather, a
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(一) 在犯罪学演变的整个过程中,犯罪学研究者们集中力量研究的是被称为“传统的犯罪”这一领域。这些传统的犯罪通常与更为严重的普通法罪行,诸如强奸、入屋犯罪、偷盗和谋