
来源 :广州医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingfeng112233
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近年来,血卟啉衍生物(HPd)-激光诊治癌肿的方法已引起国内外的重视。国外报导文献较多。1981年国内首先报道于北京,其后上海、广州都在研制。广州市医药卫生研究所自1982年底开始研制,是用新鲜牛血的血红蛋白降价制备HPd,并制成注射剂;同时,与上海生化所协作,亦以其HPd制成注射剂。最近经市第二人民医院分别应用于确诊的颜面部基底细胞癌患者共2例,癌肿焦化、下陷、脱落、基底表面肉芽光滑,无不良反应,疗效满意。愈合后,两例疤痕均经病理检查,未再发现癌细胞。临床应用前,曾以广州HPd注射液与进口美国样品PhotofrinⅠ注射液对照测定其紫外、红外光谱一致;铁盐含量少于40ppm,低于美国样品。其余各项均符合中国药典77年版附录的注射 In recent years, hematoporphyrin derivative (HPd) - laser diagnosis and treatment of cancer has attracted attention at home and abroad. There are many foreign reports. In 1981, China was first reported in Beijing, followed by Shanghai and Guangzhou. The Guangzhou Institute of Medicine and Health Research began development at the end of 1982. HPD was prepared from fresh bovine blood hemoglobin and made into injections. At the same time, it cooperated with Shanghai Biochemical Institute and made HPD injections. Recently, there were 2 cases of facial facial basal cell carcinoma diagnosed by the Second People’s Hospital of the city respectively. The tumors were coked, sunken, shed, and the granulation of the base surface was smooth, with no adverse reactions. The curative effect was satisfactory. After healing, both scars were pathologically examined and no cancer cells were found. Prior to clinical application, the ultraviolet and infrared spectra of Guangzhou HPd injection and imported American sample Photofrin I injection were determined, and the iron salt content was less than 40 ppm, which was lower than that of the US sample. All other items are in line with the 77th edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia
纤维支气管镜(flexible fibroptic bronchos-copy,FFB)用于诊断肺部癌肿时的最佳活检取样次数尚未明确。过去强调应多次取样活检。因为组织过少,取样误差可影响诊断的准确性
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