Mr. Smith’s New Nose 史密斯先生的新鼻子

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Engineer7002
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  “Mr. Smith, if you like a different type of nose, we have a large selection1.”
  “I think this nose is too small.”
  “Small noses are very fashionable2 this year, Mr. Smith.”
  “OK, I’ll take it!”
  He looked at his new small nose in the mirror3 and he was very happy with it. The only problem now, he thought, was that he needed some new hair to go with his new nose.
  “I’d like some new hair, please.”
  “Certainly, Mr. Smith. What kind of hair would you like? I think short, blond hair goes well with a small nose.”
  Mr. Smith looked at his hair. It was old and grey. When he was young, he had short and blond hair. He wanted to look young.
  “Yes, I’ll have short blond hair, please.”
  “Would you like anything else? We have a special offer4 on ears this week.”
  Mr. Smith went out of the shop with new short, blond hair and two new ears.
  In the next few weeks, he bought new eyes (green, unusual5 but fashionable), new hands, new arms, new knees6, and new feet.
  “Am I the same man I was a few weeks ago?” thought Mr. Smith. “I have the same brain7, so I think I’m the same man.” He thought he was the same man but he wasn’t sure.
  One morning, he woke up and his new nose didn’t work.
  “What’s the matter?” asked Mrs. Smith.
  “My new nose doesn’t work, it’s blocked8.”
  “Maybe you’ve got a cold,” said Mrs. Smith.
  “It’s impossible9!”
  But it was true. He went back to the shop.
  “Good morning, Mr. Smith,” said the assistant10. “What would you like today?”
  “I want a new nose,” said Mr. Smith.
  “But you’ve only had this one for a month!”
  “Because this one doesn’t work!”
  “因为这个失灵了!”   “That’s impossible,” said the shop assistant.
  “But it has gone wrong,” said Mr. Smith. “It’s blocked and I can’t smell anything.”
  “What have you used your nose to do, Mr. Smith?” asked the shop assistant.
  “If you have not used your nose right, Mr. Smith, it is impossible that it doesn’t work right.”
  “That’s absurd11!” shouted Mr. Smith.“I want my money back! I want a refund12!”
  “I’m afraid that we do not give refunds, Mr. Smith. There was no guarantee13 with this nose.”
  Mr. Smith was so angry. He walked out of the shop and didn’t say anything.
  But now he had a big problem: a useless nose.
  Unluckily, his problems started to grow. The next morning, he woke up and found he couldn’t hear anything. Then his new blond hair went grey. Then his new knees didn’t move. Then he couldn’t see a thing with his green eyes. His fingers fell off14 one by one.
  At last, Mrs. Smith carried her husband into the shop, because now he couldn’t walk.
  “Good morning, Mr. Smith,” said the shop assistant. “What can I do for you today?”
  “Mr. Smith wouldn’t like anything new at all today, thank you,” said Mrs. Smith. “But he would like his old body back!”
  “I’m afraid that’s very difficult, Mrs. Smith,” said the shop assistant. “We are an environmentally15 friendly company. All our old bodies are recycled16. But he could buy a reconditioned17 body.”
  “Can I have a look at one?”
  A reconditioned body came out. It was a very familiar body. Mrs. Smith recognised18 the big nose and the grey hair.
  “That’s the old Mr. Smith!” shouted Mrs. Smith.
  “Yes, that’s right,” said the shop assistant. “We reconditioned Mr. Smith’s old body.”
  “是的,没错,我们重新修复了史密斯先生的身体。”店员说。   “Can he have his old body back then, please?”
  “Certainly, Mrs. Smith. That’ll be 100,000 euros, please.”
  “100,000 euros!” shouted Mrs. Smith. “That’s very expensive, isn’t it?”
  “Mr. Smith has been reconditioned!”
  “What does reconditioned mean?” asked Mr. Smith.
  “Well,” said Mrs. Smith, “I think it means19 that you have a new brain!”
  “I think that will be very useful,” said Mr. Smith.
  “I think so too, dear,” said Mrs. Smith.
  1. selection
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