Raw Material Consumption Controls on Environment Impacts of Sofa Production:A Case Study Based on Ec

来源 :武汉大学自然科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sa753159
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Wooden furniture production consumes a lot of forest resource and other resources,so it is important to estimate its envi-ronmental effect.In this research,we collected data in a sofa factory of China and appraised its environment impacts by the ecological footprint (EF) methodology.The results showed that the total EF of the sofa factory was 2316.25 gha/year (gha:global hectare).The average EF of a sofa was 0.18 gha/year.For the total EF of the sofa factory,main contribution came from wooden materials (55%),followed by non-wooden materials (41.26%),and these two catego-ries contributed above 96% of the total EF.Human labor accounted for 2.21% of the total footprint.The built land and water contributed a little to the total EF.For the total EF of the wooden materials,main contribution came from wood beams (57.6%),followed by plywood (41.08%);and for the total EF of the non-wooden materials,main contribution came from sponge (95.37%).In the end,we con-cluded that the incorporate of recycled wooden material and reused sponge in the sofa production could be viewed as an important strategy to achieve more sustainable manufacturing.
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