
来源 :森林公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liweitxwd147
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2001年4月30日,云南勐腊县勐仑镇曼那览村的爱伲族群众像过年一样兴高采烈,他们身着民族服装,手持鲜花,在寨门口列队欢迎到曼那览村进行换位体察的西双版纳州森林公安局自然保护区分局的民警。50名民警在群众的热烈欢迎声中,身着99式新警服,唱着雄壮的《人民警察之歌》,从寨门列队进人曼那览村,开始了为期3天的换位体察。访贫问苦献爱心曼那览村是勐仑片国家级自然保护区边缘的一个爱伲族村寨,有40来户人家。由于地处山区,加上逐年增多的野生动物经常从保护区内窜出危害农作物,影响了群众生产生活,村寨里的群众生活不富裕。30日下午,自然保护区分局的民警进村后,根据村干部每户2人的安排入住群众家中开展访贫问苦,了解群众急需解决的困难。在得知村里有7户村民因身患疾病或身有残疾生活困难,特别是寡妇梭开、阿地因生活困难,孩子面 On April 30, 2001, the Aisai ethnic groups in Manarung Village, Menglun Town, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, were elated as the New Year, dressed in national costumes and holding flowers. They lined up in the gate of the village to welcome Manar Village. Xishuangbanna Forest Public Security Bureau Nature Reserve Branch of the police. Fifty policemen, dressed in 99-style new uniforms and singing the majestic “Song of the People’s Police,” marched from Zhaimen into Manarhound village and began a three-day change of position in the warm welcome of the masses . Visit the poor and caring love Man Nakhon village is Menglun national nature reserve on the edge of an Ai village, 40 households. Due to its location in mountainous areas and the increase of wildlife species from year to year, harmful crops are often emanated from the protected areas and the production and living of the masses are affected. The mass life in the villages is not rich. On the afternoon of the 30th, after the police of the Nature Reserve Branch went into the village, they were asked to visit the masses according to the arrangement of two in each village cadre to visit the poor and understand the difficulties urgently needed to be solved by the masses. After learning that seven villagers living in the village are suffering from illness or disability, especially widows, Abdullah is suffering from difficult life and child face