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我所从1970~1983年共完成中药材检品452件,其中不合格297件,分114种,不合格率66%。在每种不合格检品中,有1~2件者80种,3~4件者18种,5件以上者16种,一种药材最多者20件(天麻)。有17种中国药典没收载,药典品种占84%。没定出原植物品种的80件,占不合格检品的27%。一、误收误用:有些药材外形有相似之处,如不仔细观察和识别会造成误用。如在 In the period from 1970 to 1983, we completed a total of 452 samples of Chinese herbal medicines, of which 297 were unqualified and divided into 114 types. The failure rate was 66%. Among each unqualified sample, there are 80 in 1 to 2 cases, 18 in 3 to 4 cases, 16 in 5 or more cases, and 20 in one of the medicinal materials (Tianma). There are 17 kinds of Chinese Pharmacopoeia not included, and Pharmacopoeia varieties account for 84%. 80 items of the original plant variety were not determined, accounting for 27% of the unqualified samples. First, misuse of misuse: Some herbs have similar appearance, if not carefully observed and identified will cause misuse. As in
通过实验观察,说明益气活血复方“益心液”能降低大白鼠冠脉结扎后梗塞区的心肌耗氧量,对缺血心肌有一定保护作用。 Through experimental observation, it was shown that
题作者期刊名称卷期页 基础医学L谷氨酸兴奋组核对痛闭和针刺镇痛的影响刺激杏仁基底外侧核对外侧组核神经元单位放电的影响缀核、弓状核对大鼠痛阂和针刺镇痛的影响电刺激内
20 0 0年第 8号 (总第 2 0号 )2 0 0 0年 8月 1 4日序号国家标准编号国家标准名称代替标准号批准日期实施日期1GB 1 91 - 2 0 0 0 包装储运图示标志Packaging -Pictorialmarkingforhandlingofgoods GB 1 91 - 1 990 2 0 0 0 -
ObjectiveTodeterminewhethertheantiatherogenicefectofLarginineisduetoaninhibitionofvascularceladhesionmolecule1(VCAM1)expre... ObjectiveTodeterminewhethertheantiatherogeniceofofLarginineisduetoaninhibitionofvascularceladhesionmolecule 1 (VCAM 1) expre
瓦楞纸箱标准GB6 5 43— 86已经实施十多年了 ,这十多年来 ,包装行业的发展突飞猛进。作为一个指导生产规范 ,长期不修改势必不适应发展的需要 ,甚至会起到阻碍作用。笔者通过
A rapid method for the determination of cy-clopentyl derivative of rifampicin, DL 473, wasreported. High performance liquid chromatographModel 344 (Beckman, US
以四氯化碳CCl_4 2.5mg/kg灌大鼠胃可导致其肝钙含量明显升高,同时伴有明显肝细胞损伤。在灌四氯化碳前1h和灌四氯化碳后6h各注射阿托品、东莨菪碱和山莨菪碱1次,可明显减轻