Digital TV

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美国1576家电视台中的46家电视台1998年11月在洛杉矶等23个大城市正式播出数字式电视节目,其中23家已从11月1日开始在10个城市播出高清晰度电视节目。专家们认为:这标志着新的电视时代的开始,其影响将超出电视工业本身。 本文比较详细地介绍了美国电视在“改制”初期的许多情况,文字清通,措辞幽默,既讲了令人振奋的进展和成绩,又讲了客观存在的困难和问题。虽然文字不时出现一些专业性较强的技术术语,但是,总体可读。 数字式电视技术是伴随电脑、多媒体、互联网、卫星直播等高科技的推广和应用而出现的,所以,它不仅是1954年第一台彩色电视机问世以来电视技术领域的又一次革命,而且将带动整个电信工业的技术革命,并将在一定程度上改变人类社会的生活质量和方式。 首先,数字式电视技术的推广应用将使目前广泛使用的模拟电视技术逐渐被淘汰,数字式电视发射设备、数字式电视接受机以及由此而带动的数字式录像机等“数字式产品”将成为世界经济的新的增长点。 其次,数字式电视技术的推广应用将对刚刚崭露头角的卫星电视、电脑及软件工业形成巨大的挑战。 美国已经有800万户家庭在接受卫星直播电视节目,但是,数字式电视节目即将开播的消息导致许多原来准备申请卫星电视节目的家庭持观望态度。 目前美国43%的? The 46 television stations of 1576 television stations in the United States officially broadcasted digital television programs in 23 major cities such as Los Angeles in November 1998. Of these, 23 have already started broadcasting high-definition television programs in 10 cities since November 1. Experts believe: This marks the beginning of a new era of television, and its impact will exceed the television industry itself. This article describes in more detail the many situations in the early stages of the “restructuring” of American television. The text was clear and humorous. It not only spoke exciting progress and achievements, but also discussed objective difficulties and problems. Although there are some professional technical terms from time to time, they are generally readable. Digital television technology has emerged with the promotion and application of high technologies such as computers, multimedia, the Internet, and satellite broadcasting. Therefore, it is not only another revolution in TV technology since the first color television set was introduced in 1954, but also It will drive the technological revolution of the entire telecommunications industry and will, to some extent, change the quality of life and ways of human society. First of all, the promotion and application of digital television technology will gradually eliminate the currently widely used analog television technology. Digital television transmission equipment, digital television receivers, and digital video recorders driven thereby will become “digital products”. The new growth point of the world economy. Second, the promotion and application of digital television technology will pose a huge challenge to the emerging satellite television, computer and software industries. In the United States, 8 million households have received live satellite television programs. However, the news that the digital television program is about to start will cause many families who are preparing to apply for satellite television programs to take a wait-and-see attitude. At present, 43% of the United States?
在美国的街道上可见到 ADOPT A STREET 的牌子,而在高速公路上每隔若干英里也能见到ADOPT A HIGHWAY LITTER CONTROL PRO-GRAM 的标志。adopt a baby/a child 是“领养婴儿/
有一个大富翁,家有良田万顷,可日子过得并不快乐。挨着他家高墙的外面,住着一户穷铁匠,夫妻俩终日有说有笑,日子过得很开心。一天,富翁老婆听见隔壁夫妻俩唱 There is a ric
“柴禾史”是农耕史不可缺少的一部分。田野、童年、树叶,一长串过去的时光浮出水面。王川的散文,带着细腻的田园景致,把我们带回农耕时代。树林里,两个弱小的身影,伴随树叶的飘摇散落,定格成一道风景。莫言新作《七星曜我》,最后一首写法国作家勒·克莱齐奥来到高密东北乡,感受东方农耕文化。  深秋里,树上的叶子被风哗啦啦地刮下来,用竹耙子搂回家,铺在地上晒干了,那就是柴禾,用来烧水、做饭、摊煎饼。  那时候买