Exploring temporal heterogeneity in an intercity travel network:A comparative study between weekdays

来源 :地理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaa110122
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A largely unexplored application of“Big Data”in urban contexts is using human mobility data to study temporal heterogeneity in intercity travel networks.Hence,this paper explores China's intercity travel patterns and their dynamics,with a comparison between weekdays and holidays,to contribute to our understanding of these phenomena.Using pas-senger travel data inferred from Tencent Location Big Data during weekdays(April 11-15,2016)and National Golden Week(October 1-7,2016),we compare the spatial patterns of Chinese intercity travel on weekdays and during Golden Week.The results show that the average daily intercity travel during Golden Week is significantly higher than that during weekdays,but the travel distance and degree of network clustering are significantly lower.This indicates temporal heterogeneity in mapping the intercity travel network.On weekdays,the three major cities of Beijing,Shanghai,and Guangzhou take prominent core positions,while cities that are tourism destinations or transportation hubs are more attractive during Golden Week.The reasons behind these findings can be explained by geographical proximity,administrative division(proximity of cultural and policy systems),travel distance,and travel purposes.
摘 要: 在人类学、历史学、教育学等多领域都有显著造诣的美国本土裔女诗人温迪·罗斯以诗作中深沉浓厚的政治色彩及生动强烈的视觉意象而著称。本文从骨骸、考古学家及“白人萨满”三重极富政治伦理内涵的文化身份视角反讽主流文化对印第安传统刻意的曲解及白人族群对本土部落强势的凌驾,诗中蕴涵的丰富文化代码有力地传达出诗人重塑遭“白人萨满”扭曲破坏的印第安原生传统的意愿并为在文化混沌中遗失身份的族群人提供精神归途
专家:关键在“爽不爽”  蹲姿,自古以来就是人类如厕最自然的姿势,直到马桶的出现,坐姿才逐渐被人们所接受。但是,关于“蹲着如厕健康,还是坐着如厕健康”的争论,却始终没有停止过。  网上有传言说,蹲姿比坐姿更健康,理由是人在蹲着的时候更放松、更彻底。诸如痔疮、便秘等疾病,很大程度上都是因为坐着如厕造成的。那么,这样的说法真的靠谱吗?  哪个如厕姿势更放松?  “挺蹲派”认为,排便时的放松,并不是说两