Wear Evaluation on Ni_3Al/MnS Composite Related to Metallurgical Processes

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiayin228699
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Iron alloyed Ni3Al with composition of Ni-18.8Al-10.7Fe-0.5Mn-0.5Ti-0.2B in atom percent (NAC alloy) showed attractive tribological properties under unlubrication condition at room temperature.The alloy was prepared by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process.The wear properties were associated with its intrinsic deformation mechanism.Unfortunately,the single phase NAC-alloy worked inadequately with its counterpart disk,and also showed a poor machinability.In the present work,NAC-alloy matrix composite with 6% (volume percent) MnS particle addition was studied to improve its wear behaviors and performance on machining.Two metallurgical processes of HIP and vacuum casting were applied to produce the testing materials.Pin-on-disk (POD) measurements were carried out at room temperature.A commercial vermicular graphite cast iron was selected as a reference material.The counterpart disk was made of a grey cast iron as liner material in ship engines.The contact pressures of 2.83 MPa and 5.66 MPa were normally applied in the tests.The investigation indicated that MnS particle addition in the NAC-alloy composites functions as an effective solid lubricant,and improved wear properties and machinability of the materials.Obviously,as-cast NAC-alloy with in-situ formed MnS-phase was working more effectively with the counterpart,comparing to the HIPed NAC-alloy composite with MnS particles.At the high contact pressure of 5.66 MPa,the specific wear rate of the as-cast NAC-alloy composite was high.The phenomenon of the negative effect is mostly due to the brittle second NiAl phase as evidenced in the microstructure analysis. Iron alloyed Ni3Al with composition of Ni-18.8Al-10.7Fe-0.5Mn-0.5Ti-0.2B in atom percent (NAC alloy) showed attractive tribological properties under unlubrication condition at room temperature. The alloy was prepared by hot isostatic pressing (HIP ) process. The wear properties were associated with its intrinsic deformation mechanism. Unfortunately, the single phase NAC-alloy has been fabricated inadequately with its counterpart disk, and also showed a poor machinability. in the present work, NAC-alloy matrix composite with 6% ( volume percent) MnS particle addition was studied to improve its wear behaviors and performance on machining. Two metallurgical processes of HIP and vacuum casting were applied to produce the testing materials. Pin-on-disk (POD) measurements were carried out at room temperature. A commercial vermicular graphite cast iron was selected as a reference material. The counterpart disk was made of a gray cast iron as liner material in ship engines. The pressures of 2.83 MPa and 5.66 MPa were normally applied in the tests. Investigation indicated that MnS particle addition in the NAC-alloy composites functions as an effective solid lubricant, and improved wear properties and machinability of the materials. Obviously, as-cast NAC-alloy with in-situ formed MnS-phase was working more effectively with the counterpart, comparing to the HIPed NAC-alloy composite with MnS particles. At the high contact pressure of 5.66 MPa, the specific wear rate of the as-cast NAC-alloy composite was high. of the negative effect is mostly due to the brittle second NiAl phase as evidenced in the microstructure analysis.
我小的时候,住在我家楼下的一个姐姐是学钢琴的。每天晚上,听到优美的琴声从楼下传来,我羡慕极了。一次,我到楼下的姐姐家玩,一眼就看到了他们家那架乳白色的钢琴,优雅地立在客厅里。我跑过去,小心翼翼地摸着钢琴,生怕把它弄脏了。  回到家,我对爸爸妈妈宣布:“我要一架钢琴,长大后我要当钢琴家!”爸爸妈妈大为惊讶,也非常高兴。他们告诉我:学钢琴需要毅力。我那时并没有听明白,但还是坚定地答应了。  买了钢琴,
编辑同志:  我退休已经有13年了,至今我一直依靠退休金生活。前些年老伴去世后,我便独自生活。前不久,我感觉一个人生活越来越不方便,便多次要求儿女承担一定的赡养费用:如果他们愿意与我共同生活的话。那就更好。但是儿女却一直拒绝我的请求,理由是我每月领取的退休金完全可以维持基本生活,而且我也有属于自己的房子居住,生病还有医保,我不应该“身在福中不知福”。请问:儿女真的可以不承担赡养责任吗?  读者:刘