乘德育之风 扬理想之帆——班主任经验浅谈

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从我开始当班主任的那一刻开始,我就在思考探索如何做好班主任工作,让家长放心,让学校满意,让学生健康成长。在十年的班主任工作中,有几分劳累,几许收获,也积累了一些经验。我的治班理念就是用热情去工作,用真诚来沟通,用人品育栋梁,用知识教学生。我相信,在这个人心浮躁,物欲横流的今天,只有乘着德育之风,才能使学生的理想实现,最终培养成为国家栋梁。在此把我的一些做法总结如下:一、树立自主意识,明确责任目标再严厉的老师也只能震慑学生三年,而如何了解学生的内心,让他们真正信服,自觉遵守校纪校规,积极上进。我认为首先要树立学生的主体意识,培养学生“自主管理,自我教育,自主学习,自我创造”的能力,发挥学生的组织能力、协调能力及全面处 From the moment I started my in-class teacher, I was thinking about exploring ways to do class teacher work, rest assured my parents and make my school grow healthily. In the ten-year class teacher’s work, there is a bit of exertion, how many gains, but also accumulated some experience. My philosophy is to use the governance class enthusiasm to work, to communicate in good faith, with human morality and pillars, with knowledge to teach students. I believe that in this impetuous and materialistic today, only by virtue of moral education can we make our students realize their dreams and eventually train up to become pillars of our country. Here are some of my practices are summarized as follows: First, to establish self-awareness, a clear responsibility to target a severe teacher can only deter students three years, and how to understand the students’ hearts, so that they truly convinced, conscientiously abide by the rules and regulations, and actively Progressive. I think we should first establish the students’ sense of subjectivity and cultivate the students’ ability of “self-management, self-education, self-learning and self-creation”, giving full play to students’ ability of organization, coordination and comprehensiveness
For statically indeterminate structure, the internal force will be changed with the translation of the supports, because the internal force is related to the ab
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