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日前,2015年度河北省“三三三人才工程”人选开始公示。至此,河北省“三三三人才工程”人选突破1万人,达到10783人,其中一层次人选100人,二层次人选893人,三层次人选9790人。“三三三人才工程”以加强高层次专业技术人才队伍建设为目标,主要面向45岁以下的中青年拔尖人才,旨在造就一批梯次发展的学术、技术带头人。河北省2003年研究制定《河北省新世纪“三三三人才工程”实施方案》,并启动选拔工作。 Recently, Hebei Province in 2015, “three three three talent project ” candidates began to publicity. At this point, Hebei Province, “Three Three Three Talents Project” candidates exceeded 10,000 people, reaching 10,783, of which 100 candidates for a level, 893 candidates for two levels, 9790 candidates for three levels. “Three Three Three Talents Project ” aims at strengthening the construction of a contingent of high-level professional and technical personnel. It is mainly targeted at young and middle-aged top talents under the age of 45 and aims to create a batch of academic and technical leaders who are developing in a stepwise manner. In 2003, Hebei Province studied and formulated the “Hebei Province New Century” 333 Talents Project “Implementation Plan” and started the selection work.
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Prof.He Minghong,Vice president of NSFC met with a delegation of 3 members,headed by Dr.Fernando Quevedo,Director of International Centre for Theoretical Physic
本文在全面研究了电厂废渣的工程特性和桩基础的受力特点的基础上,首次提出了一种变废为宝的新型桩——渣壁砼芯桩。并根据试验结果,对该桩型的特点进行了探讨。 In this pa
1. A comparison between Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta 1.1 Basic conditions 1.1.1 Location, area and scope Located in the southeast of Guangdong Prov