《印度之行》(A passage to lndia)是根据E·M·福斯特的小说改编而成的,以1928年的印度为背景。小说以六个人物在印度的生活为基本故事情节,描写了不同文化的冲突,被看作现代英国文学的经典之作。大卫·里恩二十年前看到根据这部小说改编的舞台剧时,就有心把它改编成电影,可最初福斯特不愿出售电影专利权,显然是担心一部电影不能公正地表现冲突的双方——英国人与印度人。待1970年福斯特去世后,改编专利权归剑桥皇家学院所有,并永久性地卖给了约翰·伯拉伯恩和理查德·古德
A passage to lndia was adapted from a novel by EFM Forster in the context of 1928 India. The novel takes the life of six characters in India as the basic storyline, describes the conflicts of different cultures and is regarded as the classic of modern British literature. When David Lyne watched the play based on the novel twenty years ago, he had the heart to turn it into a movie. Initially, Foster refused to sell the film franchise, apparently worried that a movie could not be justly Conflicts between the two sides - British and Indian. After Forster’s death in 1970, the patent rights were owned by the Royal College of Cambridge and were permanently sold to John Berlaborn and Richard Good