2011年12月5日23:00,象山县疾病预防控制中心(CDC)接到县第一医院报告:一名婴儿当日上午在某预防接种门诊口服脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗(Oral Poliomyelitis Attenuated Live Vaccine,OPV)后死亡,死因不明,家长怀疑与接种OPV有关。接报后县CDC立即组织专业人员开展调查,现将调查处理情况报告如下。1事件经过患儿,女,2011年9月26日出生,足月剖腹产,出生体重3.95千克(k
At 5:00 pm on December 5, 2011, the CDC of Xiangshan County received a report from the First Hospital of Xian County: On the morning of the same day, a baby was vaccinated at a vaccination outpatient oral live attenuated oral polio vaccine (Oral Poliomyelitis Attenuated Live Vaccine, OPV) died, the cause of death is unknown, the parents suspected OPV and vaccination. After receiving the report CDC immediately organize professionals to carry out investigations, the investigation and handling are reported as follows. 1 incident after children, women, born on September 26, 2011, full-term caesarean section, birth weight 3.95 kg (k