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新华社北京5月25日电国务院最近发出通知,要求各地区、各部门坚决制止向企业乱摊派. 《通知》说,为解决乱摊派造成企业社会负担过重的问题,党中央、国务院自1982年以来,连续下达了一些文件,有些地区和部门遵照这些文件精神做了不少工作,取得了一定成效,但是仍有不少地区和部门对党中央、国务院的三令五申置若罔闻,有令不行,有禁不止.有的单位利用职权,强行摊派:有的地方讲排场、摆阔气,追求形式主义,大兴土木,劳民伤财;有的急功近利,不顾国家财力可能,乱上计划外工程项目,等等,致使向企业乱摊派的问题至今未能解决,这些做法,助长了计划外基本建设投资规模的扩大,加剧了原材料、能源、交 Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 25 The State Council recently issued a circular calling on all localities and departments to resolutely stop the indiscriminate sale of appropriations to enterprises. According to the “Circular”, the Central Party Committee and the State Council of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council since 1982 solved the problem of indiscriminate apportionment. Since the beginning of 1997, some documents have been issued in a row. Some regions and departments have done a great deal of work in accordance with the spirit of these documents and have achieved some success. However, many regions and departments still ignore the repeated instructions from the Central Government and the State Council. Some units make use of their powers to force their apportionment: in some places, they will be put on a sound ground, ambitious and pursuit of formalism, which will bring about great benefits to the people and make people rich and poor. Some may make quick profits and disregard of the state’s financial resources and mess up unplanned construction projects. The problem of the indiscriminate apportionment of enterprises has so far failed to be resolved. These measures have encouraged the expansion of the scale of unsprogrammed capital construction investment and exacerbated the problems of raw materials, energy and delivery
黑点银纹夜蛾(Plusia nigrisigna Walker)是一种分布广、食性杂的害虫。1979年8月从泰安市郊豆地采集自然患病死亡的虫尸中,分离获得一株核型多角体病毒。四年来,进行了病毒
职场扫描:咨询业求才若渴 中华英才网近日发布2005年9月咨询业 的就业指数为979.75点,与去年同期773.32 点相比,活力不减。据统计资料显示,目前 咨询业更需要高级市场、策划、
德保县是桂西南的一个财政补贴贫困山区县。全县有16个乡镇,187个村,总户数59,996户,332,504人,其中壮族324,265人,总面积2,559平方公里,其中山地占75%。 Debao County is
病毒病是影响小白菜产量和品质下降的主要病害,为了弄清湖南小白菜病毒病发生流行的影响因素,我们从1979年开始进行了调查和研究,现将所得结果简报如下: 1.气候、蚜虫与病毒