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技术是生产的伴生物,其历史源远流长。但技未开始成为人们重要的研究对象则是17世纪的事,当时出现了我们今天称之为“机器”(machine)的东西,取“工具”(tool)而代之成了技术的最重要载体,人们由研究机器而开始重视对技术的研究:对技术进行分门别类的纵向、微观、具体的研究,是技术科学;对技术进行横向、宏观、抽象的研究,便是技术哲学。技术科学追求的是技术的实用价值,技术哲学追求的是技术的发展规律。 鉴于技术与经济的密切关系,马克思一生都注视着技术的进展并对技术的产生、概念、本质、属性、内容、形式、发展阶段以及规律进行了系统的考察,其见解之丰富和深刻,远在当时(甚至以后)许多西方学者之前、之上。马克思留给技术哲学家们一笔巨大的技术思想和技术文化遗产。 但是,由于种种原因(主要是阶级偏见),“经济学家”马克思的“技术思想”,被西方的技术哲学家们严重忽视,作者指出:这是导致今天国内外技术哲学研究“思想活跃、概念混乱”的重要原因。 “马克思以后”的这一个世纪是科学、技术发展的“狂飙”时代,在技术方面,有待技术哲学家“提炼”的思想材料之丰富是马克思那个时代无法比拟的,历史有充足的理由要求技术哲学出现更大的飞跃。但是——本文作者着力强调——技术哲学首先面临的问题? Technology is a companion to production, and its history goes back to ancient times. But it was the 17th century that technology did not start to become an important research object for people. What happened today was what we call the “machine,” and the substitution of “tools” for technology was the most important Carrier, people began to pay attention to the research of technology from the research machine. The vertical, micro and concrete researches on the technology are the technical sciences. The horizontal, macroscopic and abstract research on technology is the philosophy of technology. The pursuit of technical science is the practical value of technology, the pursuit of technological philosophy is the law of development of technology. In view of the close relationship between technology and economy, Marx has been focusing on the progress of technology all his life and systematically examining the generation, concept, essence, attribute, content, form, stage of development and law of technology. His insights are rich and profound. At the time (or even after) many Western scholars, above. Marx left technical philosophers with a huge technical idea and technical and cultural heritage. However, due to various reasons (mainly class prejudices), the “technical thinking” of “economist” Marx was seriously neglected by the Western technical philosophers. The author points out that this is an issue that has led to the active thinking of the study of technical philosophy both at home and abroad today, Concept confusion, “an important reason. The century after ”Marx“ is an era of ”hurricane“ in science and technology development. In terms of technology, the enrichment of ideological material to be ”refined" by technical philosophers is unmatched by Marx’s era and there is sufficient reason for history to require technology Philosophy has a bigger leap forward. However - the author of this paper makes great efforts to emphasize - the first problem that philosophy of technology faces?