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主持人边婷婷的话:从“5.12”四川汶川大地震发生到现在的每一天,我们无时无刻不被感动包围着,每听到一个故事,每看到一个画面,都能让人热泪盈眶。在巨大的灾难面前,我们看到了什么叫做大爱无声,什么叫做众志成城.北川羌族自治县民政局局长王洪发失去包括儿子在内的15名亲人,却一直战斗在抗灾第一线,他说:“救灾,让所有活下来的人没有时间伤心。”5月19日至21日的全国哀悼日,一支支点燃的蜡烛,一张张泪流满面的脸,一声声“中国,加油!”“四川,加油!”的呐喊震撼世界……眼泪终将过去,留下的除了疼痛,还有希望。目前,灾后重建已成为摆在灾区人民面前的头等大事,民兵们要继续发扬救灾中的大爱精神,展己所长全力投入到恢复美好家园的战斗中去,我们相信,在全国人民的帮助和支持下,美丽的四川必将恢复昔日的风采! Moderator Tingting Ting’s words: from “5.12 ” every day until the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, we are surrounded by moving all the time, every time I hear a story, every time I see a picture, can make people cry tears Orbital. In the face of a huge disaster, we saw what it means to be silent and what is going to be done together. “Wang Hongfa, director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, lost 15 relatives, including his son, but has been fighting in the first place. He said: Disaster relief, so that all people who live do not have time to sad. ”May 19 to 21 days of national mourning, a candle lit, one by one burst into tears,“ China, come on! ”“ Sichuan, Come on! ”The shouting shocked the world ... tears will pass in the past, in addition to the pain, there is hope. At present, the post-disaster reconstruction has become the top priority for the people in the disaster areas. The militias must continue to carry forward the spirit of big love in disaster relief and show their best efforts to fight for the restoration of a beautiful homeland. We believe that with the help of people across the country And support, the beautiful Sichuan is bound to restore the old style!
一、引形象,激兴趣,导入新课    师:同学们,今天老师给大家带来了一位朋友。(点击:三毛像)  生(开心地喊起来):“三毛,三毛。”  师:看来,同学们对这位朋友非常熟悉。是的,他就是著名画家张乐平爷爷为我们创造的三毛。(板书:三毛)  师:为什么称呼他为“三毛”呢?  生:因为他只有三根毛。  师:是三根“毛”吗?是三根——  生:三根头发。  师:对,只有三根头发,这是我们可爱的三毛与众不同
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