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董凤岐是在河北儿童医院处于人心涣散、秩序混乱、经济不景气的环境时走马上任的。董院长以不甘落后的志气,领先时代的勇气,以超前的思维对医院进行了大刀阔斧的改革。董凤岐首先提出了“深化改革、管理从严、专科拔尖、狠抓两优、科技兴院”的办院方针,以及“医院有优势、科室有特色,个人有专长”的具体策略。接着又勾画了“以心外为龙头、新生儿为重点、急救为优势、康复为强项、各临床科室综合发展”的战略设想。他大胆决策,建专科、上强项,建立了小儿心脏外科,新生儿内科,急救中心3个重点专科,成为医院的拳头专科,靠强项冲出困境。第二、下大力气抓了管理、分配制度上的改革,制订了医院的各项规章制度和各类人员职责,按技术质量效益型思路,实行了综合目标管理责任和量化考核方案。用全新的管理模式把医 Dong Fengqi is in Hebei Children’s Hospital in a bewildered, disorderly, economic downturn in the environment took office. Director Dong not to be backward ambition, the courage to lead the times, ahead of the thinking of the hospital made a drastic reform. Dong Fengqi first proposed “Deepening reform, strict management, top-notch specialist, pay close attention to the two advantages, science and technology hospital” approach to the principle of the hospital, and “hospital has advantages, departments have the characteristics of individual expertise ” specific strategy . Then outlined the strategic vision of “extra-heart as a leader, newborn as the focus, first aid as the advantage, rehabilitation as the strengths, the comprehensive development of clinical departments ”. He boldly decided to build a specialist, the strengths, the establishment of pediatric cardiac surgery, neonatology, emergency center three key disciplines, to become the hospital’s fist specialist, out of the predicament by strengths. Second, make great efforts to grasp the management, distribution system reform, formulated the hospital’s various rules and regulations and various types of personnel responsibilities, according to the idea of ​​technical quality and efficiency, the implementation of a comprehensive target management responsibility and quantitative assessment program. With a new management model to the doctor
胜利炼油厂采用 SETPOINT公司的先进控制技术 ,成功地应用于工艺动态过程较为复杂的第二催化反再系统上。该技术是在 DCS常规控制的基础上 ,采用多变量预估控制器和约速控制
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洪晃是著名爱国民主人士章士钊的外孙女; 洪晃是出色的女外交官章含之的女儿; 洪晃是深沉派导演陈凯歌的前妻; 洪晃是北京昂蓝互动广告有限公司的联合总裁。 Hong Huang is
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