
来源 :今古传奇(故事版上半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rghaijun23
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这天晚上,“喜洋洋”大酒店的生意特别红火,高考第一批录取结果出来了,许多上榜的学生家长正在办谢师宴。考生胡海涛也在大厅里忙活,但他是在当传菜工,从一楼厨房跑到三楼包厢,又从三楼跑回一楼,连续两个多小时,两条腿都快跑断了。胡海涛正忙得不可开交,耳边忽然响起了一个熟悉的声音:“胡 This night, ”radiant “ hotel business particularly prosperous, college entrance examination results of the first admission came out, many of the parents of the list of students are going to thank teacher feast. Candidate Hu Haitao busy in the hall, but when he was in the circus, ran from the kitchen on the first floor to the third floor of the box, and ran back to the first floor from the third floor, for more than two hours, two legs almost ran off . Hu Haitao is busy, his ears suddenly sounded a familiar voice: ”Hu
望着大家那力争上游,勇往直前的劲头,我不禁感慨万分:九年级的生活有如陀螺高速旋转,难以停息。    两秒钟的事情一秒钟搞定,两节课的习题一节课做完,这便是九(6)班的冲刺生活,在这紧迫的日子里,我们与时间赛跑,欲与天公试比高。    寝室“朝闻报”    “滴滴……滴滴……”  “哎,谁的表又开始‘半夜鸡叫’了?时间还早着哩!”  “还有5分钟就打起床铃了啊!”  此话犹如晴天霹雳,惊得大家不约而
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Large numbers of tourists stroll in a park in Zhengzhou, Henan Province,during the Spring Festival, which fell on February 3 this year.Statistics from the Natio
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