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目的研究铁皮石斛叶对亲代和子代雄性SD大鼠精子质量及睾丸组织的影响,为铁皮石斛的安全性评价提供毒理学资料。方法分别对亲代(P)、一代(F1)和二代(F2)SD大鼠设置对照组和低、中、高三个剂量组,每组10只,以喂养方式分别给予含0、2.0、4.0和6.4 g/kg·bw铁皮石斛叶受试物的基础饲料。各组连续给受试物3个月后,测定雄性大鼠睾丸、附睾脏器重和脏体比;在显微镜下观察精子数量、活动率和畸形率;采用苏木精-伊红染色法观察睾丸、附睾组织的病理改变。结果 P、F1、F2各剂量组和对照组大鼠的睾丸重、附睾脏器重、脏体比比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);P、F1和F2的高剂量组大鼠精子畸形率分别与对照组比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。P、F1和F2大鼠睾丸、附睾组织形态无明显改变。结论铁皮石斛叶对P、F1和F2大鼠精子质量和睾丸、附睾组织未见明显不良影响。 Objective To study the effects of Dendrobium officinale on sperm quality and testicular tissue in male and female SD rats and to provide toxicology data for the safety evaluation of Dendrobium candidum. Methods The control group, the low dose, the middle dose and the high dose three groups were set up on the parents (P), the first generation (F1) and the second generation (F2) SD rats respectively and each group was given 10 doses of 0,2.0,4.0 And 6.4 g / kg · bw of Dendrobium officinale leaf test substance. The rats in each group were given the test substance continuously for 3 months to measure the weight of the testis and epididymis in the testis and the body of the epididymis. The number of sperm, activity rate and malformation rate were observed under the microscope. The testis was observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining , Epididymal pathological changes. Results The testicular weight and epididymis weight in the P, F1 and F2 groups were not significantly different from those in the control group (P> 0.05). The rats in the high-dose P, F1 and F2 groups There was no significant difference in sperm deformity between the control group and the control group (P> 0.05). The morphology of testis and epididymis in P, F1 and F2 rats showed no significant changes. Conclusion Dendrobium officinale leaves have no significant adverse effects on the sperm quality and the testis and epididymis of P, F1 and F2 rats.
简历 出生日期:1974年9月14日 出生地:摩洛哥贝尔坎 身高:1.76米 体重:58公斤 目前保持着1500米和1英里两项室内外世界纪录及2000米室外世界纪录。1998年获得国际田联大奖赛
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十八大以来,习近平总书记对教育工作的系列论述,精辟阐明了新时期我国教育改革发展的重大理论和实践问题,丰富和发展了中国特色社会主义教育理论。其中,关于“立德树人”的重要论述,是广大教师履行“太阳底下最光辉职业”的行动指南和思想武器。笔者认为,学校的每位教师都应关注学生精神生命,以更好地践行“立德树人”的光荣使命,从而彰显教书育人的职业本色。  一、关注学生精神生命是职业赋予教师的第一天职  所谓关注
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作为鲁迅后人,我对于三十年代文艺界前辈 们一直怀有深深的敬意。虽然父亲曾经跟他们中 间一些人有过这样那样的事,但那已经是过去的 事了。至于有人后来为此而遭受不公正的