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  本期的Lifestyle Code,我们一起来分享一位乐高发烧友玩乐高的经历。他是如何开始玩乐高,如何迷乐高的呢?看完之后,或许你也会手痒痒的。
  Started out with my then four-year-old. “Oh, should buy the kid some Lego. That stuff’s cool.” Walked in the Lego store. Bought him this. It’s totally appropriate for a four-year-old. I think the box says “8 to 12” on it. Turned to my wife and said, “Who are we buying this for?” She’s like, “Oh, us.” I’m like, “Okay. All right. That’s cool.”
  Pretty soon it got a little bit out of control. You walk there and it hurts. So we took a room downstairs in the basement that had been used as sort of an 【注】Abu Ghraib 1)annex. 2)Torture, very funny. Wow, you guys are great. And we put down those little floor 3)tiles. And then I went onto eBay and bought 150 pounds of Lego—which is insane. My daughter—the day we got it, I was tucking her in—and I said, “Honey, you’re my treasure.” And she said, “No, the Lego is the treasure.” And then she said, “Dad, we’re Lego rich.” I was like, “Yeah. I suppose we are.” So then once you do that you’re like, “Oh, crap. Where am I going to put all this?” So you go to the container store and spend an enormous amount of money. And then you start this crazy sorting process that never—it’s just nuts. Whatever.
  So and then you realize there are these conventions. And you go to one of these conventions, and some 4)dude built the Titanic. And you’re like, “Holy shit! He had to come in like a truck, a 5)semi, with this thing.” And then someone built this—this is the Smith Tower in Seattle. Just beautiful. And there’s a dude selling these aftermarket, like weapons for Lego, ’cause Lego—the Danish—no, they’re not into guns. But the Americans? Oh, we’ll make some guns for Lego, no problem. And at a certain point you look around, you’re like, “Wow, this is a really nerdy crowd.” And I mean like this is a 6)nerdy crowd, but that’s like a couple of levels above furries. And you say to yourself at some point, “Well, am I, am I part of this group? Like, am I into this?” And I was just like, “Yeah, I guess I am. I’m…I’m coming out. I’m kind of into this stuff, and I’m going to stop being embarrassed.”
  Then you really get into it. And you’re like, “Well, the Lego people in Denmark, they’ve got all this software to let you build your own virtually.” And so this is like this CAD program where you build it, and then whatever you design virtually you click the button and it shows up at your doorstep a week later. And then some of the designs that people do they actually sell in the store. The Lego guys don’t give you any royalties, strangely. But some user made this and then it sold. And it’s pretty amazing actually.
  Then you notice, that if that Lego-provided CAD program isn’t enough, there’s an entire open-source, third-party, independent Lego CAD program that lets you do 3D modeling and 3D rendering and make, in fact, movies out of Lego, 3D films of which there are thousands on YouTube. And some of them sort of 7)mimicking famous films. And some totally original content. Just beautiful. And people recreating all sorts of things.
  There’s a whole programming language and robotics tool. So if you want to teach someone how to program, kid, adult, whatever it is. And the guy that made this, he made a 8)slot machine out of Lego. And I don’t mean he made Lego that looked like a slot machine. I mean he made a slot machine out of Lego. The insides were Lego.
  There’s people getting drunk building Lego. And you’ve got to finish the thing before you puke. There’s a whole gray market for Lego, thousands of home-based businesses. And some people will fund their entire Lego habit by selling the little guys. But then you have no guys in your ships.
  【注】 Abu Ghraib(巴格达)阿布格莱布监狱。这是萨达姆统治时期用来关押和虐杀伊拉克平民的监狱。文中把地下室的房间调侃地比作为虐待人的监狱。
40年前录影带横空出世时,有许多人预言电影行业将风光不再。但事实证明,录影带的出现非但没有给电影行业造成致命性的打击,反而为其带来一个新的盈利点,使得电影行业的营销之路更加立体。今天,在强大的互联网面前,盗版电影以惊人的速度在世界范围内得以传播,这又将会给电影行业带来怎样的影响呢?  既然称之为“盗版”,盗版电影的存在有着无法弥补的法理缺陷。然而,当全世界数以亿计的人安然地享受盗版电影所带来的感官
<正> 患儿,男,生后10小时,第二胎急产,在家生产,当时苍白窒息30分钟,经抢救出现呼吸,9小时呼吸又停止,再抢救恢复,速来我院。查体:3100g,头围35cm,R40次/分,P 130次/分,呼吸
我想每一个孩子在暑假前都有一种矛盾的心情,一方面热情期盼那长长的两个月无忧无虑的假期,另一方面又积极地策划着为这段时间填上各种节目,让它不至于空虚地度过。夏令营便是可供选择的节目之一。对于现代衣来伸手、饭来张口的孩子来说,参加夏令营,离开父母庇荫、加入这样一个微型社会里,是很有意义的一件事。    记得让你们的父母签好同意书。  Make sure your parents sign the pe
<正> 1 一般资料 年龄:18岁1例,25~47岁23例,50~61岁6例。性别:男16例,女14例。职业:农民21例,干部7例,工人、学生各1例。民族:30例均为汉族。住院时间:1982~1983年3例,1985~1989