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E时代,对年轻人而言是个华美物质的狂欢时代,是时尚消费的享乐年代,就连英国73岁的老妇人塞尔芬都可以成为模特界的大红人,年轻人哪里逃得了时尚的霓虹魅影? 网络以及各种精美的时尚杂志为他们提供了丰富的潮流资讯,那些雅皮味的品牌休闲服装,令人眼花缭乱的动力街区,那些闪亮的日韩饰品店,还有最适合朋友们欢聚的迪厅酒吧咖啡厅……一杯卡布其诺与笔记本电脑无线上网交汇的生活令他们无限向往心动。然而,一切需要经济的支撑,钱包的不够丰实同时使他们囊中羞涩,时尚消费转而为时尚压力。有限的薪金往往同时面临着若干选择:是去新开张的美发店剪个很IN的发型,再添件流行衣物,还是请朋友们去吃回快乐的自助烧烤,或者,假期进行一次渴望已久的丽江凤凰行……当然,还有更多想要实现的愿望:想换部可以摄像的手机,买个400万像素以上的数码相机,想买个精致的MP3,想为恋人办张SPA生活馆的年卡,想和驴友们去北方滑雪去南方看海……像古巨基的那首歌《好想好想》,真的,太多愿望好想好想实践,同时,太多时尚的诱惑令人心动而又无奈。面临时尚消费带来的压力,有人迎浪而上,坚持做流行浪尖的弄潮儿,有人选择回避,不追逐时尚的脚步。年轻的你选择什么?在潮流缤纷涂抹的时代,在时尚与消费之间,保持怎样独立的姿势? 无论怎样的姿势,只要不虚荣,不盲从,保持青春的本色与活力,任何方式都可以从潮流中获得一片属于自我的迷人风景! E era, for young people is a gorgeous material carnival era, is the era of fashion spending pleasure, even the British 73-year-old woman Selfin can become a model of the Red Man, where young people fled the fashion Neon Phantom? Network and a variety of beautiful fashion magazines to provide them with a wealth of information on the trend, those Jacquard brand casual wear, dazzling power blocks, those shiny Japanese and Korean jewelry store, as well as the most suitable Friends gathered in the disco bar cafe ... ... a cup of cappuccino and laptop wireless Internet access to make life infinite bound to their heart. However, all needs the support of the economy, wallet full abundance at the same time make them cash-strapped, fashion consumption turned to fashion pressure. Limited salaries often face several options at the same time: whether to go to a newly opened hairdresser to cut an IN hairstyle, add extra clothing, or invite friends to go back to the happy BBQ, or to have a long, long-desired holiday Lijiang Phoenix line ...... Of course, there are more want to achieve the desire: want to change the camera can be a cell phone, buy a 4 million pixel digital camera, want to buy a fine MP3, want to do a SPA life for the lover Museum of the card, and ALICE want to go skiing in the north to the South Sea ... ... Like the song of the ancient giant base, “really want to think,” really, too much wish to really want to practice, at the same time, too tempting fashion It is exciting and helpless. Faced with the pressure of fashion consumption, some people wave, and adhere to the popular wave of beach-goers, some people choose to avoid, do not chase the pace of fashion. Young you choose what? In the era of colorful smear, between fashion and consumer how to maintain independent posture? No matter what kind of posture, as long as not vanity, not blindfolded, to maintain the character and vitality of youth, any way from In the trend of getting a piece of self-fascinating scenery!
如今,时尚的装饰品遍及生活的方方面面,钥匙,也成为了时尚大做文章的载体。彩色钥匙,既保留了传统钥匙的实用功能,又具有时尚绚丽的外表,它是不是一个绚丽的商机呢? Today,
你饿吗?不饿!你想去外面玩吗?不!你亲我一下好不好?不!这是正处于反抗期的孩子对自我的一种确认。不必担心,一切都会过去的。 Are you hungry, are you hungry, do you want