5月7日,我在纳米比亚首府温得和克得到了南非办事处给的一张旅游签证。作为新中国成立以来第一个获得南非签证的中国大陆记者,我十分高兴和珍惜这次采访机会,5月10日乘南非航空公司波音747客机去南非工商业中心约翰内斯堡,开始了对南非16天的访问。作为记者,我从1972年开始在非洲先后常驻了12年,采访的国家有20多个。报道中,涉及南非的题材也不少,但没有任何第一手材料,有关南非的大多是摘发一些国际会议的发言,或是转述西方通讯社的报道。 16天跑遍了南非的5个城市,所以只能是走马观花。虽然如此,我还是亲眼观察了南非,眼见为实,得到了第一手材料。这些材料纠正了我过去对南非所形成的若干片面看法。我愿把这16天采访生活中的点滴见闻奉献给记者同行和《中国记者》的读者。我相信,在我之后去南非采访的中国大陆记者,定能写出
On May 7, I got a tourist visa from the South African office in Windhoek, Namibia. As the first Chinese reporter to have obtained a South African visa since the founding of New China, I am very pleased and cherish this opportunity to interview. On May 10, I flew to South Africa’s commercial and commercial center Johannesburg on the Boeing 747 passenger plane of South African Airways and started a 16-day access. As a journalist, I have been resident in Africa for 12 years since 1972 and have interviewed over 20 countries. Reported in the subject matter involved in South Africa is also quite a lot, but without any first-hand materials, most of South Africa is to take a speech at a number of international conferences, or relayed coverage of the Western News Agency. 16 days traveled to five cities in South Africa, it can only be a cursory. Nonetheless, I still observed South Africa with my own eyes and got first-hand information when I saw it. These materials rectify some of the one-sided views I have developed on South Africa in the past. I would like to dedicate myself to journalists and readers of “Chinese Journalists” for these 16-day interviews. I believe reporters from mainland China that I interviewed in South Africa will be able to write