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  he Hajj, a holy pilgrimage into the heart of Islam. Its purpose and call has outlasted empires and wars. As early as the 9th century, Muslims from all corners of the Earth would embark on this epic journey to Mecca, following the footsteps of the great prophets Ibrahim and Mohammed.
  Over just five days, pilgrims must complete a series of prayers and rites along the Valley of Mina. They must gather at the Plain of Arafat, perform a symbolic rejection of the Devil at the Jamarat, and circle Islam’s holiest site, the Kaaba.
  “Ihram,” a state of spiritual purity that all Muslims must enter before performing the Hajj, the great pilgrim to Mecca. Identical white robes are donned, a means of erasing any distinctions of class, culture or race.
  According to the holy Quran, the Kaaba was built by the Prophet Ibrahim and is the focus of every Muslim’s prayers. To every Muslim in this courtyard, this is the closest they feel they can ever be to Allah.
  After pilgrims circle the Kaaba, hundreds of thousands will try to touch its walls. Others try to kiss the *Black Stones set in its corner, 1)emulating the prophet Mohammed himself. It’s one of the greatest spectacles on Earth.
  The site of the Grand Mosque is also where a miracle once took place. Ibrahim’s wife, Hagar, and baby son Ismail were dying of thirst. She ran between the desert hills searching for water until God made the Spring of Zamzam appear. Pilgrims still drink from this spring today. Hagar’s desperate search for water is re-enacted in a rite called “the Sa’i” or “walking.” To many pilgrims the Sa’i is an expression of their search for salvation.
  Arafat is a day of prayer, a rehearsal for the Day of Judgment. Here at Arafat, God told the angel Gabrial, “Bear witness that my servants have come to me and that I have forgiven them.”It’s a profoundly emotional moment as pilgrims stand on these slopes seeking forgiveness, knowing that Allah hears them.
  Fourteen kilometers east of Mina stands Arafat, a 2)granite hill where Prophet Mohammed was said to have delivered his last 3)sermon in 632. It is here that God forgave *Adam and Eve, separated for 200 years after their 4)expulsion from the Garden of Eden. On the Mount of Mercy, the defining ritual of the Hajj will take place. So essential are the rites of prayer here that the prophet Mohammed was said to have remarked, “Hajj is Arafat.” Millions stand in silence, each alone with God.   For the 5)penultimate rite of the Hajj, pilgrims collect 70 stones that they will throw at three pillars, which represent Satan. Pilgrims trek 14 kilometers on foot from Arafat overnight, resting at the Plain of Muzdalifah before finally arriving at their destination, the arena for the stoning of the Devil. The rite 6)mimics the three times the Prophet Ibrahim rejected the Devil, who attempted to dissuade the prophet from sacrificing his son as God had commanded. Here in the Grand Mosque, Muslims circle the holy Kaaba and bow their heads in prayer one final time before the Hajj comes to an end.
  In the last five days, millions have taken part in one of the greatest religious gatherings on Earth. For these pilgrims, it has been the ultimate affirmation of faith. For so many that come here, this is the most profound spiritual experience of their lives. This is the Hajj, five days that bind one fifth of the human race in a common belief and a common prayer.

  在过去的五天里,数百万人参与了世上最盛大的一次宗教集会。对这些信徒来说,这是对信仰最极致的肯定。对许多朝圣过的信徒,这是他们一生中最深刻的心灵洗涤。麦加朝圣在五天里让五分之一的人类因一个共同的信仰走到一起,并且一同祈祷。翻译:T Boy

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