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  本期推荐节选自爱丽丝·门罗(Alice Munro)封笔前的最后一部短篇故事集《Dear Life: Stories》的开篇第一则短篇故事《To Reach Japan》。大家应该听说过爱丽丝·门罗那如雷贯耳的大名吧?如果没有,那就真的OUT了!2013年斩获诺贝尔文学奖的就是这位加拿大女作家,她被誉为“加拿大的契诃夫”。1968年,门罗发表的第一部短篇小说(《快乐影子之舞》)就获得了加拿大总督文学奖,随后其发表的所有作品都陆续获奖,更是被译为13种文字传遍全球,受到读者与媒体的高度评价,门罗因此荣获“当代短篇小说大师”的称号。
  《To Reach Japan》是二十几页的一则短篇小说,讲述了母亲格里塔带着女儿凯蒂在去往多伦多的路途中所发生的故事,年轻母亲暂时脱离了丈夫彼得的牵制,在火车上邂逅一名对其极为欣赏的男子,在这段艳遇并未有何实质发展之时,女儿凯蒂不见了……这一切到底为何会发生?彼得又为何会令格里塔感觉被牵制?本期黄金书屋选段为大家一一揭晓。
  hen they went to see a movie, he never wanted to talk about it aferwards. He would say that it was good, or pretty good, or okay. He didn’t see the point in going further. He watched television, he read a book in somewhat the same way. He had patience with such things. The people who put them together were probably doing the best they could. Greta used to argue, rashly asking whether he would say the same things about a bridge. The people who did it did their best, but their best was not good enough so it fell down.
  Instead of arguing, he just laughed. I
  t was not the same thing, he said.
  Greta should have realized that this attitude—hands off, tolerant—was a blessing for her, because she was a poet, and there were things in her poems that were in no way cheerful or easy to explain.
  (Peter’s mother and the people he worked with—those who knew about it—still said poetess. She had trained him not to. Otherwise, no training necessary. The relatives she had left behind in her life, and the people she knew now in her role as a housewife and mother, did not have to be trained because they knew nothing about this peculiarity.)
  It would become hard to explain, later on in her life, just what was okay in that time and what was not. You might say: “Well, feminism was not.” But then you would have to explain that feminism was not even a word people used. Then you would get all tied up saying that having any serious idea (1)let alone ambition), or maybe even reading a real book, could be seen as suspect, having something to do with your child’s getting 2)pneumonia, and a political remark at an office party might have cost your husband his promotion. It would not have mattered which political party either. It was a woman’s shooting off her mouth that did it.
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Hold me, just hold me  Please don’t ask me where I come from  Or why I cry these tears  Just hold me, hold me please  Let me rest in the silence of your embrace  Give me a moment and don’t make me exp