Nanostructured Sulfide Composite Coating Prepared by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying

来源 :材料工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bw133934
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Nanostructured FeS-SiC coating was deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying(APS).The microstructure and phase composition of the coating were characterized with SEM and XRD,respectively.In addition,the size distribution of the reconstituted powders and the porosity of the coating have been measured.It was found that the reconstitiuted powers with sizes in the range of 20 to 80 μm had excellent flowability and were suitable for plasma spraying process.The as-sprayed FeS-SiC composite coating exhibited a bimodal distribution with small grains(30~80nm) and large grains(100~200nm).The coating was mainly composed of FeS and SiC,a small quantity of Fe_(1-x)S and oxide were also found.The porosity of the coating was approximately 19%. Nanostructured FeS-SiC coating was deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS). The microstructure and phase composition of the coating were characterized with SEM and XRD, respectively. In addition, the size distribution of the reconstituted powders and the porosity of the coating have been measured. It was found that the reconstitiuted powers with sizes in the range of 20 to 80 μm had excellent flowability and were suitable for plasma spraying process. as-sprayed FeS-SiC composite coating exhibited a bimodal distribution with small grains (30-80 nm ) and large grains (100 ~ 200nm). The coating was mainly composed of FeS and SiC, a small quantity of Fe_ (1-x) S and oxide were also found.
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