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去岁末,我回梅县探亲,与老友张兰通相约往澄中良善碑亭一行。梅县石坑澄中、澄上及澄坑三个村委会(旧统称澄中),位处梅州西陲。澄中村在高耸800多米的铁山嶂脚下,靠近邻村的洪秀全小学。在我们前往参观的良善碑下侧,有土地革命时期的梅西区苏维埃政府旧址,与碑亭成犄角之势。1930年,石坑、李坑、太平三乡民众在祖屋东皋公祠建立梅西区苏维埃政府,在中国共产党的领导下,拿起刀枪、长矛,以武装革命反对武装反革命。当年赤卫队等组织共有3000多人。是年5月,形势逆转,反革命疯狂反扑,烧毁房屋及抢去耕牛、财产无数。三乡群众200多人被杀,解放后被评为烈士的有115人。几十年来,无论我去到哪里学习、工作,心中无时不牵挂的家乡,一有机会就要回去看看。是日,天朗气清。我们坐车沿公路入村,只见路旁林木葱笼,翠竹行行,河水清洌,泉声淙淙。兰通兄见 At the end of last year, I went back to Meixian to visit my relatives and meet old friend Zhang Lantong to visit Chengcheng’s Beiting Pavilion. Meixian stone pit Cheng Cheng, Cheng Cheng and Cheng Hang three village committees (the old collectively Cheng Cheng), located in western Meizhou Meizhou. Cheng Ching Estate stands at the foot of Tieshan Crossing over 800 meters and is close to Hong Xiuquan Primary School in the neighboring village. On the lower side of the monument of goodness that we visited, there was the site of the Soviet government in the Massey district during the Agrarian Revolution and the horns at Beiting. In 1930, the citizens of Shikeng, Li Hang and Taiping three towns established the Masisian Soviet government at the Ancestral Donggao Ancestral Hall. Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, they took knives and spears and armed opposition revolution against armed counterrevolution. The Red Guards and other organizations a total of more than 3,000 people. In May this year, the situation reversed, counter-revolutionary crazy counterattack, burning houses and snatched cattle, countless assets. Sansiang masses were killed more than 200 people, was liberated after being rated as martyrs 115 people. For decades, no matter where I went to study, work, my heart is always worried about the home, whenever possible, have to go back and have a look. Is the day, the sky is clear. We car along the road into the village, I saw trees and green trees on the roadside, Tsui Chuk line, clear water river, spring sound 淙 淙. Lan Tong brother see
目的 :目前国内艾滋病高危人群的行为干预均在探索阶段。该研究旨在探索社区吸毒人群预防艾滋病的行为干预模式。方法 :干预方法主要是以同伴为基础的社区健康教育、建立医学
目的 探讨哮喘与慢性支气管炎 (慢支 )气道炎症性质的异同。方法 应用免疫组化技术 ,检测两组患者大气道粘膜嗜酸粒细胞阳离子蛋白特异性抗体 (EG1)、肿瘤坏死因子 (TNFα)
目的探讨血管紧张素I转换酶(ACE)基因多态性与糖尿病肾病(DN)发生、发展的关系。方法用PCR技术分别 检测90例无DN并发症的2型糖尿病患者和137例不同程度蛋白尿的DN患者ACE基因I/D多态基因型。结果DN 患者与无
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